Kim Jung Un Observes Socialist Science!

DPRK: Kim Jong Un Oversees Mass-Firing of 600mm Rocket-Launchers! (4.6.2024)

The regime of gangsters and the Puppet Army of the ROK – infringed upon the sovereignty of the DPRK through an intolerably hideous act of provocation. This involved a clumsy show of dangerous military power – which exceeded its legitimate right for sovereign action. In this regard, the (extensive) Multiple Rocket Launcher (Sub-Units) of the DPRK conducted a powerful counter-demonstration firing – aimed at the ROK in order to clearly show the DPRK’s corresponding will to ensure the sovereignty and security of the State. The DPRK will respond everytime with a massive and powerful force that will overwhelm. This is the DPRK way of pursuing a self-defence war – which involves even a pre-emptive attack at any time if the enemies attempt to use military force against the DPRK.

My Tang Yong Moments Away from Death!

US: South Korean Convert – Suffering Mental Health Episode – Shot Dead by LA Police! (17.5.2024)

New Malden is riddled with Protestant and Catholic Churches into which thousands of South Koreans are forced every Sunday morning! However, many of these Koreans, old and young, tell me that South Korea is racist, totalitarian and forces Koreans to “convert” to Christianity – which is an alien religion to them. The oppression within society is riddled with poverty and child sexual abuse throughout South Korea. These people are brain-washed to think they are “White” and to behave like a “White” American! Korean women and girls, after being raped by the Occupying Imperial Japanese, are now raped by members of the US Army – Black, White and Hispanic! What is happening to the colonised South Korea is appalling – even if these individuals actually seem to be conforming to this US brainwashing! Forcing a “White” mentality upon a non-White grouping is the essence of US neo-imperialism!

NATO Protests Worldwide!

World Insights: NATO’s Meddling in Asia-Pacific Theatre – Threatens Regional Peace! (11.4.2024)

The United States is the behind-the-scenes instigator of NATO’s outreach into the Asia-Pacific.

“Exporting that malicious poison to Asia would be akin to Asia welcoming the plague upon itself,” said former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, referring to NATO’s expansion into the Asia-Pacific.

HONG KONG, April 11 (Xinhua) — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), now in its 75th year of existence, has outlived its mandate and is clinging to life by fanning flames beyond its scope.

On April 4, 1949, led by the United States, 10 European countries plus Canada signed the North Atlantic Treaty in response to the so-called “threat posed by the Soviet Union.”

After the Soviet Union disintegrated in the 1990s, however, the military bloc did not dissolve and in reverse, extended its sinister grasp beyond its treaty-defined geographical scope eastwards voraciously, expanding its membership to 32 today. In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region has been its new prey.

Analysts warned that in its attempt to interfere in the Asia-Pacific, NATO is exporting “malicious poison to Asia,” posing a threat to regional security and stability, and hindering the region’s development.

People wait for food relief in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah on March 14, 2024. (Photo by Khaled Omar/Xinhua)

Xinhua: US-backed “Summit for Democracy” Triggers Divisive Confrontation! (24.3.2024)

Washington’s bid to rally some countries against others, which has further entrenched ideological divisions, undermines efforts to foster genuine dialogue and cooperation among nations with different political systems.

Kwon said the “democracy summit” is being criticized as a divisive international conference to build a hegemonic international order with the United States at the centre. “The U.S. hegemonic action of weakening the function of the UN and leading a so-called ‘democracy summit’ is a hindrance to world peace.”

“By weaponizing democracy as a political tool,” said commentator Yirenkyi Jesse in an op-ed in The Standard, a leading daily newspaper in Kenya, “the United States seeks to assert its hegemonic dominance, dividing the world along arbitrary lines and sowing discord in its wake.”

Under Water Missile

DPRK: Ministry of National Defence Issues Press Statement! (19.1.2024)

Our Army’s Underwater (Nuclear-Based) Countering Posture is being further rounded off and its various Maritime and Underwater responsive actions will continue to deter the hostile military manoeuvres of the Navies of the U.S. and its allies.

We strongly denounce the U.S. and its followers for their reckless acts of seriously threatening the security of the DPRK from the outset of the year and sternly warn them of the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by them.

The Armed Forces of the DPRK will strike horror into their hearts through responsible, prompt and bold exercise of its deterrent and firmly defend the security of the state and regional peace by dint of great strength, never tolerating the reckless military confrontation hysteria of the enemies.

Madam Kim Yo Jong - DPRK - 2024

DPRK: Madam Kim Jo Yong [김여정] Reveals ROK Miscalculation! (9.1.2024)

We conducted a deceptive operation in order to assess the real detecting ability of the ROK military gangsters engrossed in bravo and blind bravery while crying for “precision tracking and monitoring” and “striking the origin” whenever an opportunity presents itself whilst giving a burning shame to them who will certainly make far-fetched assertions.

The KPA watched the reaction of the ROK military gangsters while detonating blasting explosives that simulated the sound of 130 mm Coastal Artillery – around 60 times.

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