US Controls the UN!

DPRK: Israeli Holocaust In Gaza Hidden in Plain Sight! (22.2.2024)

On Feb. 11, Israel bombed a dwelling house of refugees, killing dozens of innocent inhabitants. The next day it killed civilians by mobilizing planes, tanks and warships.

As a result of Israel’s rash acts, over 100 people were killed and hundreds of civilians including women and children were injured in Rafah City and its surrounding areas on Feb. 12 alone.

When recalling once again that a spokesperson for the Israeli military unhesitatingly said that it is a “very effective rate” to kill two people in order to kill one Hamas militant, one can know clearly that the present situation is a purposeful and conscious act of Israel to exterminate the Palestinian nation.

The mayor of Rafah City expressed concerns, saying that “Israel’s bombing is being intensified over the past few hours, which serves as preparations for military operation in the city”.

Unity in Resistance!

Lebanon: PFLP Meets with Hezbollah to Discuss Ongoing Israeli Genocide in Gaza! (17.2.2024)

1- The Palestinian situation at home and the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, especially the terrorism practiced by the enemy on the city of Rafah. Palestinian National Unity was stressed together with the role of the Resistance in confronting the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem – whilst confronting the illegal Settlement and Displacement Projects that aim to liquidate the Palestinian people (Israeli inflicted ‘Genocide’) – with the Zionist removal of the Holy City of Jerusalem as their capital.

2 – The two sides condemned the Zionist aggression against Gaza, the West Bank and Southern Lebanon, and the accompanying Arab and International ‘Silence’ regarding the IDF-induced massacres, killing and terrorism taking place against the Palestinian people, whilst praising the role of the Resistance in confronting the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese people – sending greetings to all the free people of the world acting in Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

3 – Strengthening unity among all Resistance factions, emphasizing the centrality of the confrontation in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood – and Resisting the Zionist enemy which, through its racism – practices a ‘War of Extermination’ whilst Committing Crimes Against Humanity!

Good Bye Rachel Corrie!

The Day the Zionists “Murdered” Rachel Corrie! (31.1.2024)

The Zionist IDF refused to acknowledge he murder – stating that Corrie’s death was an ‘accident’ – but ISM eyewitnesses dispute this account, contending that the bulldozer driver deliberately aimed his vehicle at Corrie and deliberately ‘crushed’ – as she was protesting in plain view. Despite numerous legal actions taken against the Zionist entity – the corrupt Israeli State refused to hold the IDF responsible for Rachel Corrie’s murder – implying that this is what will happen to anyone who ‘interferes’ in Zionist activities in Palestine! I was forwarded these pictures by someone who was present during the IDF murder of Rachel Corrie.

IDF Murders Israeli POWs! 2023

Palestine: Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades Announce the Zionist Killing of an Israeli POW Detained in Gaza! (31.12.2023)

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced, on Saturday, that the martyrs of the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip have reached 21,672, since the start of the war on October 7th 2023, and the toll includes the death of 165 people, and the injury of 250 others, during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry added that 56,165 people were injured as a result of the Israeli bombing since October 7th, noting that only 1% of the injured were taken out of the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing.

Among the martyrs of the bombing were 312 Medical Personnel, according to the source, who also confirmed that 99 Health Personnel in the Gaza Strip are still in the custody of the Israeli Army.

The Ministry condemned the exposure of thousands of detainees in Israel to “physical and psychological torture, starvation, thirst, lack of sleep, and continuous interrogation in the extreme cold.”

Gaza: Zionist Israel Kills 10,300 & Wounds 25,000 During 4-Weeks of Talmudic Revenge! (8.11.2023)

Ambulances transported approximately 30 injured individuals to the Rafah crossing, accompanied by teams from the International Committee of the Red Cross on Monday, as part of new agreements facilitated by Egypt and the United Nations.

On the other hand, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced Monday that its teams received 25 trucks of humanitarian aid from the Egyptian side through the Rafah crossing, bringing the total number of trucks received since Oct. 21 to 476, excluding any quantities of fuel.

The World Food Programme on Monday issued an urgent appeal to expand the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as the humanitarian needs have significantly increased, and essential food supplies have reached critically low levels in the besieged enclave.

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