Communist Party of Lebanon!

Communist Party of Lebanon Calls for Expulsion of US Ambassador! (31.5.2024)

What the enemy is committing against the Palestinian people today is a crime against humanity, despite the decisions of the International Court and the International Criminal Court exposing these fascist crimes. The enemy’s persistence in its massacres would not have happened without the open support of the United States of America and some Atlantic countries! The latest chapter of this nightmare is the imposition of sanctions applied against the International Criminal Court, in an unprecedented move, accompanied by statements by American officials regarding the function of this court, which was established (according to the US) not to punish Zionist enemy for its war crimes – but rather to punish those popular forces which dare to strive for liberation whilst opposing the Zionist (fascist) hegemony!

Rafah Atrocities Obscured by Insane Political Decisions!

Zionist Israel Declares UN Agency “Terrorist” Organisation! (30.5.2024)

The review committee, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, and commissioned by the United Nations with the participation of three research institutes, concluded that UNRWA follows a more advanced approach to neutrality than any other similar international or non-governmental body.

The report confirmed that it developed a framework for neutrality in 2017, while it has developed and updated a large number of policies, mechanisms and measures to ensure compliance with the principle of neutrality, respond promptly and appropriately to allegations or indicators of violations, and define and apply disciplinary sanctions on employees who are proven to have violated the principles of neutrality.

Zionist Aggression Ordered to Cease!

International Criminal Court: Israel to Immediately “Cease” Rafah Offensive – Allow “Aid” and “Genocide” Investigation! (24.5.2024)

He added that Israel needed to reopen the Rafah crossing and “ensure the unimpeded access of commissions of inquiry or investigative bodies mandated by the UN to investigate allegations of genocide.”

Judges are “not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken” are “sufficient to alleviate the immense risk” to Palestinians in Rafah, Salam said while noting that Israel “has not provided sufficient information concerning the safety of the population during the evacuation process”.

The ICJ ordered Israel to report to the court within a month on its progress in implementing the measures.

The ICJ, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, stopped short of calling for a full ceasefire today.

EU Denounces Occupation’s Attacks on Medical and Civilian Infrastructure in Gaza and West Bank! (21.5.2024)

“At the same time, regarding the mandatory protection of civilians under International Humanitarian Law, the EU strongly condemns the use of hospitals for any purposes other than medical,” read the statement.

“The situation of innocent people in Gaza is as desperate as ever,” they warned.

“The EU is also concerned about the continuous attacks on healthcare in the West Bank, where over 50 health facilities and 300 ambulances have been deliberately damaged in the past months,” said the statement.

The statement warned that a human tragedy is playing out in real-time in front of our eyes.

The European Union expressed deep concern about the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza, reiterating calls for an immediate ceasefire and full humanitarian access to the Strip.

Israeli War Crimes!

ICC Seeks to Issue Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu and Gallant for War Crimes! (20.5.2024)

Khan also highlighted the issue of  closing the water lines connecting Israel to Gaza – the main source of drinking water for the citizens of Gaza – for an extended period, starting on October 9, 2023, and interrupting and obstructing the electricity supply from at least October 8, 2023 until today.

The Office of the Prosecutor confirmed that these actions were part of a joint plan to deliberately starve civilians as a means of war and resort to other acts of violence against civilians in Gaza.

He stressed that the use of starvation as a method of war, along with other attacks and collective punishment applied to civilians in Gaza, led to severe, clear and well-known repercussions.

He pointed out that this method of warfare led to problems of malnutrition, dehydration, painful suffering, and an increasing number of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including new-borns, children and women.

Israeli Lies Exposed!

Jordan: Accusations Against UNRWA Proven False! (20.5.2024)

For his part, Lazzarini thanked Jordan for its support for the agency and its solidarity with Palestinian refugees.

Lazzarini stressed that despite all the international community’s calls, Israel invaded and attacked the southernmost Gaza city of Rafah on May 6, with half of Gaza’s population forced to flee.

He pointed out that the two main crossings in the south, Rafah Crossing and Kerem Shalom Crossing, have turned into conflict zones, and there are currently no crossings to transport aid across the borders.

Lazzarini noted that “198 UNRWA employees were killed, 160 sites were completely or partially destroyed, and employees were arrested, tortured, and forced to confess to crimes they did not commit.”

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