Excellent Missile Strikes Zionist Ships!

Yemen: Resistance to Zionist Fascism Continues! (27.6.2024)

The group said this marked the first public revelation of the missile, used to target the Israeli-related cargo ship MSC Sarach V. The Houthis claimed responsibility for attacking the vessel on Tuesday.

The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Joint Maritime Information Center reported on Monday that the Liberian-flagged MSC Sarah V was targeted by a missile in the Arabian Sea but not struck. No casualty or ship damage was reported.

The Houthis have escalated attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November, using drones and missiles. They justify these actions as acts of solidarity with Palestinians in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

مصطفى المومري

Yemen: Music Video – “Ship – Ship” By Mustafa Al-Mumri! (23.6.2024)

The shipping of weaponry and ammunition by the West through these sea-routes has been brought to its knees. Indeed, so effective has been this act of self-defence in the waters Yemeni own – that the US Airforce and RAF have bee used to carry-out numerous (illegal) air-strikes on the Yemeni mainland – killing numerous innocent people! This is a disgusting symptom of Zionist aggression and demonstrates how the Zionist (White Supremacy) movement controls and directs events in the world! Well-done Yemen – and thank you for your service!

Yemeni Missiles Survive Airstrikes!

Yemen: NEW Missile-Attacks Launched Against Pro-Israeli Shipping! (14.6.2024)

Since last November, the Houthi group, which controls much of northern Yemen, has initiated the launch of anti-ship ballistic missiles and drones targeting what it said were Israeli-linked ships transiting the Red Sea, to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In response, the U.S.-British naval coalition stationed in the area has since January conducted air raids and missile strikes against Houthi targets to deter the group, which, however, only led to an expansion of Houthi attacks to include U.S. and British commercial vessels and naval ships.

Airman Aaron Bushnell Gives His Life for Palestine!

US: Airman Aaron Bushnell – Remembering his Bravery & Self-Discipline! (16.3.2024)

He explains that Israel must be stopped and that Palestine must be free! By this time, local security is starting to enquire as to his presence and his activity – not sure what to do as he is in military uniform. At first, the lighter does not work, but after a number of attempts – Airman Aaron Bushnell bursts into flames! He stands determined and at attention so that his camera can record his protest! He shouts “Free Palestine!” until the inside of his mouth is consumed with fire! After about 90 seconds – Airman Aaron Bushnell is lying (dying) on his back whilst private security personal aim hand-guns and fire-extinguishers at him! A Black man attempts to put out the fire – whilst a White man threatens to shoot – and therein lies the entire crux of the matter! The Zionist Israelis are currently murdering tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza (and elsewhere) – and they are being empowered to carry-out this “Genocide” by the continuous supply of weaponry from the US, EU and UK!

Well Done George Galloway!

Rochdale: George Galloway’s Victory Speech! (3.3.2024)

However, the ‘London Recruits’ who travelled to fight the Apartheid in South Africa during the 1970s – was a British ‘Communist Party’ initiative – one of the few post-1945 initiatives that advocated directly opposing certain extreme elements of the Bourgeois Establishment. Khrushchev’s betrayal of Stalin during 1956 (and 1961) caused all kinds of divisions throughout the International Communist Party. I think that before he committed himself to the Bourgeois Labour Party – George Galloway was a Communist. Indeed, most of the videos of Galloway expressing pro-Communist ideas have subsequently been removed from the internet. The ‘new’ Galloway is Islamic-bigotry friendly – and whilst he works to eradicate gays and trans from society – he might grant you one or two Socialist attributes and reforms. He might even throw you a football to keep you quiet. Only the call to prayer will disrupt the game – but only if the local clock is working on the Town Hall!

Brave Yemeni People Resisting Zionist-fascism!

Anti-Zionism – Not A Threat To A Nice Cup of Tea! (13.2.2024)

Like all the disinformation that has intensified lately, such fake stories as this are designed to take the attention of a passive and supine population away from the fact that the International Court of Justice is in the midst of finding Israel guilty of ‘Genocide’ – whilst Israeli troops (armed by the US, UK and EU) continue to carry out the very atrocities the ICJ has already judged as being ‘Crimes Against Humanity’! It is the murder of 30,000 Palestinian men, women and children – and the wounding of 70,000 others – by the Zionist-fascist IDF that is the problem, not Yemen’s Resistance to this Genocide, or the fact that relatively well-off Westerners might be inconvenienced for a short time when waiting for a brew. Time for another cup of relaxing tea – me thinks!

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