US & Israel Kill President!

Iran: President Ibrahim Raisi & Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian – Killed in Helicopter Crash! (20.5.2024)

Iranian investigators have already begun to determine the true cause of the tragedy. Among the versions being considered is a terrorist attack. Earlier, Washington and Tel Aviv threatened Iran with a response to a “retaliatory attack” on Israel in mid-April. Then the Islamic Republic used missiles and drones against Israel in response to its shelling of the Iranian Consulate General in Syria, which claimed the lives of several high-ranking IRGC Military Personnel, including two Generals.

Regalia of Modern Russia!

Russia: Putin’s 5th Term – US & UK Aggression Leads to Deployment of Tactical Nuclear Weapons! (8.5.2024)

In his address, Putin did not directly mention the special military operation in Ukraine. Some Western countries boycotted the inauguration ceremony in light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The United States and the United Kingdom were among those that refused to send their diplomats to the event.

Russia’s relations with the US and its allies are at their lowest point since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when the world came to the brink of a nuclear war.

The West has provided Ukraine with artillery, tanks and long-range missiles, but NATO troops have not joined the conflict directly, something that both Putin and US President Joe Biden have warned could lead to World War III.

Noting the rise in nuclear tensions, Russia said on Monday it would practice the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons as part of its military exercise, following what it said were threats from the UK and the US.

Russia Resists US Tyranny!

Russia: Voting Begins to Pick Next President! (16.3.2024)

The overseeing mission of the Commonwealth of Independent States made up of 194 people will observe Russia’s presidential election, the mission’s head Ilkhom Nematov said.

The election came as Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine enters its third year.

“I support Putin and, of course, I will vote for him,” Lyudmila Petrova, 46, who was shopping for sneakers at one of Russia’s largest wholesale markets in southern Moscow, said.

“Putin raised Russia up from its knees. And Russia will defeat the West and Ukraine. You cannot defeat Russia — ever. Have you in the West gone completely mad? What is Ukraine to do with you?”

Brazil's president accuses Israel of "genocide" against Palestinians

Brazil: President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – Israel Committing “Genocide” Against Palestinians! (19.2.2024)

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not being waged between two armies, but rather Israel’s military is committing “genocide” against civilians in the Gaza Strip, Lula said during a press conference in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.

What Israel’s military is doing is in the same way that Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and other European countries exterminated their Jewish populations in the first half of the 20th century, Lula said.

“What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people has no parallel in other historical moments. In fact, it existed when Hitler decided to kill the Jews,” said the Brazilian president.

Comrade Khamtai Siphandone

Laos – Buddhist-Socialist Republic – Party & State Leaders Congratulate Former Leader on 100th Birthday! (18.2.2024)

They wished Siphadone and his spouse good health, happiness and longevity to stay alongside the Lao Party and State leaders in steering the nation toward even greater achievements in renovation, national construction and defence; successfully implementing the Resolution of the LPRP’s 11th National Congress, and building a country that is peaceful, independent, democratic, united, and prosperous towards the goal of Socialism.

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