Lebanon: 56th Anniversary of the Founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine! (9.12.2023)

The PFLP denies the Zionist narrative and always presents the Palestinian narrative that touched all the right-minded people of the free world! Which expressed their condemnation of the crimes of the Occupation and confirmed their support for the Palestinian cause. On this glorious day, we hope that we will all rally around our Palestinian National Project, and around the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and that we will achieve the ambitions of the sons and daughters of our Palestinian people! Palestinian National Unity is our path to victory, liberation, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital!

Palestine: UN Confirms Zionist Aggression in Gaza Strip has Killed 13,000 & Displaced 1.7 Million Since October 7th! (24.11.2023)

The Agency stated, in a Report issued today, (Tuesday), that 13,000 Palestinians were martyred – 75% of whom were children, women and the elderly – whilst 1.7 million were displaced in (from different areas of the Gaza Strip) since last October 7th.

The UN Report explained that “As of November 19th (the day before yesterday), about 930,000 displaced people live in 156 UNRWA facilities in all five Governorates of the Gaza Strip – including the North.”

The UN Report confirmed “Another 770,000 displaced people live in 99 facilities in the Central, Khan Yunis, and Rafah Governorates.”

Mao Zedong – The Great Helmsman – Seeing the Wood for the Trees! (13.8.2023)

The authors do this because they claim that ‘a certain number of Jews’ were amongst the dead. However, the same Jewish authors completely omit the January 1944 International Red Cross Investigation of the mass graves in the Katyn Forest – fully supported by the US, UK and USSR. This investigation clearly concluded that there were 10,000 bodies and not 26,000 – and that there were no obvious signs that any victims were ‘Jewish’. Indeed, the ammunition and execution methods used (a bullet to the back of the neck of each victim kneeling on the edge of the mass grave) all indicated that the Nazi Germans had carried out this atrocity – just one amongst many thousands like it. Such was the conclusion of the 1944 International Red Cross Investigation!

Syria: Ongoing US “Human Rights” Abuses Cause Extensive Suffering! (5.8.2023)

I always marvel at how he NEVER once has complained about what the US and UK have been doing in Syria – even though one of Hillary Clinton’s (now notorious) ‘leaked’ emails stated ‘Let’s destroy Syria for Israel!’ I say this – as I know the suffering the West is inflicting upon his kith and kin has been extensive. If ‘Socialist’ Syria falls – then Israel’s next target will be Iran. This trend will continue until ALL external support for the Palestinians has been destroyed. When this is achieved (Israel is paying for its rent of the US military with stolen natural resources – although in Afghanistan this amounted to a substantial share of the Heroine crop) Israel will invade what is left of Palestinian land and ‘expel’ all Islamic Arabs from the region! Only