Zionist Fascism Condemned!

President of Cuba: “Israel burned people alive” – During Attack on Palestinian Tents in Rafah! (30.5.2024)

“How many people must die for the genocide to stop?” he said, stressing that “Cuba condemns Israel and calls for strengthening solidarity with Palestine.”

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez condemned the Israeli attack on the tents of displaced people in Rafah.

“We condemn this attack, which violates international humanitarian law,” he said. “This brutal massacre of hundreds of refugees is one of the most prominent evidence of what Israel has committed against the Palestinian people.”

45 Palestinian civilians were killed and dozens injured, most of them women and children, in a bombing by Israeli occupation warplanes on displaced persons’ tents in Tal al-Sultan area, northwest of Rafah, even though it was among the areas that the Israeli army claimed were “safe and possible to move to.”

Zionist Aggression Ordered to Cease!

International Criminal Court: Israel to Immediately “Cease” Rafah Offensive – Allow “Aid” and “Genocide” Investigation! (24.5.2024)

He added that Israel needed to reopen the Rafah crossing and “ensure the unimpeded access of commissions of inquiry or investigative bodies mandated by the UN to investigate allegations of genocide.”

Judges are “not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken” are “sufficient to alleviate the immense risk” to Palestinians in Rafah, Salam said while noting that Israel “has not provided sufficient information concerning the safety of the population during the evacuation process”.

The ICJ ordered Israel to report to the court within a month on its progress in implementing the measures.

The ICJ, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, stopped short of calling for a full ceasefire today.

PFLP - Hamas - Freedom Fighters!

Palestine: ICC Has No Right To Label Hamas As War Criminals! (23.5.2024)

All the Generals guiding war, the Zionist soldiers of slaughter, of burning, of killing and endless destruction – this evil army of a rogue racist entity – that flouts all International Conventions with its frenzied war must not escape punishment!

Abdel-Al called on the International Court not to pay attention to external pressure – and for the Court to continue pursuing Zionist War Criminals.

Abdel-Al concluded: “Justice does not mean equality between the Occupier and those under Occupation, lest it become an encouragement for the Occupation to continue its war of genocide and extermination against the Palestinian people.”

Israeli army storms Gaza hospital, force medical crews to leave

Palastine: Zionists Attack Hospital in Response to ICC Arrest Warrants! (23.5.2024)

The same sources added that 14 hospital employees, 11 injured people and companions remain in the hospital, noting that they refused to leave unless ambulances were present to evacuate the wounded.

They pointed out that the governorates of Gaza and the northern Gaza Strip were unable to provide health services completely in light of the Israeli targeting of the health system during the ongoing aggression since last October 7th, 2023.

Eire Recognises Palestinian State!

Palestine: European Nations Recognise Palestinian State! (22.5.2024)

Before the announcement, eight European Union member states recognize the State of Palestine, including Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus, and Sweden.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hussein Al-Sheikh considered the step a “historic moment.”

Expressing gratitude to countries that have recognized and will recognize the independent State of Palestine, Al-Sheikh stressed that this is the path to stability, security, and peace in the region.

The Palestinians demand the establishment of an independent state alongside Israel with pre-1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital.

Israeli War Crimes!

ICC Seeks to Issue Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu and Gallant for War Crimes! (20.5.2024)

Khan also highlighted the issue of  closing the water lines connecting Israel to Gaza – the main source of drinking water for the citizens of Gaza – for an extended period, starting on October 9, 2023, and interrupting and obstructing the electricity supply from at least October 8, 2023 until today.

The Office of the Prosecutor confirmed that these actions were part of a joint plan to deliberately starve civilians as a means of war and resort to other acts of violence against civilians in Gaza.

He stressed that the use of starvation as a method of war, along with other attacks and collective punishment applied to civilians in Gaza, led to severe, clear and well-known repercussions.

He pointed out that this method of warfare led to problems of malnutrition, dehydration, painful suffering, and an increasing number of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including new-borns, children and women.

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