My Tang Yong Moments Away from Death!

US: South Korean Convert – Suffering Mental Health Episode – Shot Dead by LA Police! (17.5.2024)

New Malden is riddled with Protestant and Catholic Churches into which thousands of South Koreans are forced every Sunday morning! However, many of these Koreans, old and young, tell me that South Korea is racist, totalitarian and forces Koreans to “convert” to Christianity – which is an alien religion to them. The oppression within society is riddled with poverty and child sexual abuse throughout South Korea. These people are brain-washed to think they are “White” and to behave like a “White” American! Korean women and girls, after being raped by the Occupying Imperial Japanese, are now raped by members of the US Army – Black, White and Hispanic! What is happening to the colonised South Korea is appalling – even if these individuals actually seem to be conforming to this US brainwashing! Forcing a “White” mentality upon a non-White grouping is the essence of US neo-imperialism!

Nakbe - 1948!

Palestine: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – 76th Anniversary of the Nakba! (15.5.2024)

The Zionists have also built the wall of annexation and apartheid! restricting the movement of Palestinian citizens with hundreds of military and security barriers, The Zionists have demolished homes, arrested citizens and continued killing, and has no end to the limits of continuing to impose the siege on the Gaza Strip through launching three aggressive wars against it that have claimed the lives of thousands of its population, leaving tens of thousands wounded and disabled, and homes and facilities destroyed.

In contrast to this Zionist policy, our people, in all their locations, inside and outside the country, still cling to their inherent right to the land of their origination, and the right to return and reside there. Therefore, they embarked upon the path of National Struggle from the first moments in which the colonial plans emerged towards their Palestinian land, and they continued their struggle. Patriotic tirelessness requires great sacrifices on the path of perpetual struggle!

US: Biden Suppresses Widespread Anti-Israel Protests! (24.1.2024)

Meanwhile, South Africa (and other countries) has proven – at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – that the crimes committed by Zionist Israel are “Genocidal” in nature. Bizarrely, Germany (of all counytirs) has followed US dictates and attempted to defend and justify the murderous behaviour of the Zionists. Perhaps the killing of non-White Palestinians by White Israelis is really what all this is about – with a massive land grab being the inevitable result. Whatever the case, the University students of America are on the march and it is their dedication to the case of International Justice with must be supported and admired! The racist terror machine of the US and Israel can be beaten!

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Fascism!

US: In Support of the Brave “Anti-Fascist” Students of Columbia University – and Condemnation of the Ongoing “Genocide” in Palestine!

Zionist Israel, in just six-months of IDF-aggression, has murdered arounf 34,000 Palestinian men, women and children – whilst maiming over 70,000! The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has declared that Zionist Israel has committed “Plausible Genocide” in its preliminary ruling – which Zionist Israel has ignored. This is in preparation for the ICJ to formally find Zionist Israel “Guilty” of “Genocide”. This will mean Israel is committing “War Crimes” and “Crimes Against Humanity”! As if the right-minded people of the world do not know and understand this already! Zionist Israel has been committing atrocities against the Palestinian people (and other Arabs and Persians) since 1948! Indeed, until 1947, the British Army was engaged in combatting Zionist “Terrorism” in an attempt to crush its ideology and save the lives of the innocent!

Prayer Ban Upheld!

Email: To Pray or Not to Pray – that is the Question! (17.4.2024)

Since the Tories came to power in 2010 – Christian prayers have been re-introduced throughout all kinds of otherwise Secular government and schooling programmes – on the grounds that this activity represents “British” tradition. My children are not Christian (like half of their class) – but have no choice but to attend the Morning Assembly and being forced to participate in Christian Prayers, etc. Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews and atheists, etc. have no choice. The idea is that the UK is a “Christian” State rather than a “Secular” State (Cromwell abolished the original Church of England).

Tibet Freed Itself!

Tibet: Xizang Commemorates 65th Anniversary of Democratic Reform that Ended Feudal Serfdom! (29.3.2024)

In Galai Village in Nyingchi City, local villagers put on their ethnic costumes and celebrated the anniversary with a grand, joyful dance. Known for its careful preservation of the local ecological system and robust rural eco-tourism, Galai received more than 110,000 tourists in 2023, with the total tourism income topping 3.41 million yuan (about 480,000 U.S. dollars), providing a significant boost to the local economy.

“Having a roof over our heads was once the dream of our forefathers who had been serfs. For our generation, worries about food, clothing and shelter are a thing of the past as the living conditions in Xizang have continuously improved,” said Tseyang, who hails from Galai. “We are just so lucky to live in this era.”

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