Palestine: Day of Solidarity Meeting in Ain al-Hilweh – and Inspiring PFLP Resistance Speech! (3.12.2023)

He stressed that the victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance on October 7th (2023) is a great political and military achievement, and that the Palestinian people, through their legendary steadfastness, gained the respect of the peoples of the world who took to the streets in their millions, rejecting the Zionist aggression, and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to pursue freedom and to Resist the Zionist Occupation.

Palestine: PFLP Appeal On November 29th – UN Day of Solidarity With The Palestinian People! (28.11.2023)

We are in these glorious and painful days, and the legendary epic embodied by our people with their steadfastness and resistance, in which scenes of dignity, heroism, nobility and pride are mixed in their finest forms! The pain and deep wounds that stir the heart and conscience display a legendary steadfastness that will remain immortal throughout history! This is all present in the memory and conscience of the nation, free people and the world! Among the fruits of this epic conflict were the massive and unprecedented demonstrations throughout the streets of the world, especially in the countries partnering with the aggression, such as America, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, and others. Public opinion also witnessed important shifts in favour of the Palestinian cause regarding the ongoing Zionist war of genocide against the Gaza Strip.

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