UN Supports US and Zionists!

Palestine: UN Report Biased Toward US-Zionist Criminality! (22.6.2024)

Some of what was included in the report is consistent with the lies of the occupation, equates the victim with the executioner, and is consistent with the allegations that the resistance committed violations on October 7th, 2023 which were proven false by the admission of international newspapers, international organizations, and even by voices from within the entity.

The committee based its report and positions on what happened on October 7th, even though the essence of the crisis did not begin on this date, but rather the crisis has been continuing for 76 years. The report also forgot the root causes of the conflict, and ignored the legitimacy of our people’s resistance to the occupation in various forms, and that the October 7th Operation It was a natural episode of our people’s legitimate resistance against the occupation.

King of Spain!

Spain: King of Spain – “Violence in Gaza Has Reached Unimaginable levels!” (9.5.2024)

Speaking at an event in the capital Madrid, Felipe noted that its consequences are projected globally with “many uncertainties.”

“This did not begin on Oct. 7, but it was when this terrible escalation of violence began with the devastating destruction and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It has already reached unimaginable levels and is of utmost concern to everyone,” he said.

PFLP Discuss Ongoing Zionist Violence!

Lebanon: Department of Refugee Affairs and Right of Return – Zionist Dismantling of UNRWA! (17.3.2024)

For his part, Brother Ali Huwaidi spoke about the UNRWA centre being targeted, especially after the 7th of October, pointing out that UNRWA is currently undergoing an intense dismantling process due to the transition of its work from development to relief, in the context of removing the name refugee as a prelude to ending the refugee issue and the right of return.

Huwaidi added that the dismantling process comes in the context of demonizing UNRWA through lies and allegations published by the Zionist organization claiming the existence of permanent coordination between some UNRWA employees and the Palestinian resistance, especially Hamas, stressing that until this moment there is no proof of these allegations.

Zionist Propaganda Image

Palestine: Zionist Neo-Nazi Propaganda Defies ICJ ‘Genocide’ Ruling! (30.1.2024)

Meanwhile, the Zionists are treating kidnapped Palestinian men, women and children as sub-human ‘Prisoners’. In the photograph above, ordinary Palestinian captives are illegally blindfolded and shackled hand and foot – whilst they are ‘forced’ to bow in-front of a (fascist) ‘Star of David’ flag and an Arabic inscription which reads –  فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ ظَالِمُونَ – or ‘The Floods Will Wash Over Them for Their Sins!’ Just out of view are heavily armed IDF soldiers threatening to shoot-dead any Palestinian captive who refuses to obey. The Arabic text is extracted from the second-half of the 14th Verse of Surat Al-Ankabot (The Spider Surat) contained in the Holy Qur’an.

ICJ Betrays Palestine in Two Ways!

Lebanon: PFLP Welcomes Main Text of ICJ Decision – Initiated by South Africa! (27.1.2024)

The Zionist Occupation is exterminating the Palestinian people – supported by the imperialist powers that have violated the land of the Palestinians. The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that the struggle is long, which requires the prosecution of the leaders of the Occupation – and its partners in America, Britain (and other places) for their heinous crimes! This invitation submitted by South Africa constitutes a step on the path to achieving this goal – although the main battle today is still confronting the Palestinian people. The Zionists are still perpetuating genocide, massacres, injustice, and brutality against the Palestinian people who require the immediate support of all Arab nations, and the free people of the world. This will counter the complicity (and inaction) of the international system, and its blatant bias towards the Zionist Occupation.

KwaZulu - Anti-Zionist Warrior!

Palestine: Only South Africa Possesses the Courage! (1.1.2024)

The Zionist propagandists were once saying that 1,400 Israelis died in the Hamas counter-attack on October 7th, 2023, then this number was reduced to 1,200, whilst today the number stands at just over 600! Most, if not all of this number represent serving members of the IDF – and as armed invaders of a foreign country – are legitimate targets for Palestine’s legal right to defend itself. The ‘White’ Bourgeoisie likes to exaggerate the numbers of its own dead to generate sympathy and moral outrage as a way of manipulating the media it controls. Take the September 11th attacks in 2001, as first we were told that 10,000 people had died – only to find that this number has plummeted in recent years so that the victim-tally currently stands at just under 3,000 (in fact ‘2,998’) – with even this number being disputed! The important point is that most people only remember the ’10,000’ number – and on this lie the US launched world-wide wars on the Middle East that have massacred millions on a racist grudge! There is even a little bit of comical farce to these proceedings – as of the alleged 19 bombers (all Egyptian and Saudi) – at least ‘9’ are still known to be alive!

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