Judah Offers a Young Goat for Sex with His Daughter in Law!

Genesis: The “Old Testament” Story of Judah and Tamar – the First Porn Script? (13.4.2024)

This is not the “sterilised” sexuality found throughout general discourse today, but a clear expression of the patriarchal domination of women and girls. The different tribes that believed themselves to be racially and spiritually superior to one another – and everyone else – led to the brutal sexual exploitation of women and girls. Not only this, but the female victims are portrayed as being complicit in their own abuse – agreeing with what these men are thinking – and actively participating in their own rape and manipulation. The Soviet System advocates the objective and detached study of religion so that is degenerate spell over humanity is broken and logic and reason is used to place these superstitious tales into their proper and correct place in history. These texts are nothing special – but they are historically interesting with regards to the evolution of human understanding.

The Pharaoh of Egypt Fell Victim to Abram's Rather "Loose" Concept of Morality!

Torah (Old Testament) – When Abram “Pimped” His Wife in Egypt! (31.3.2024)

On the face of it, this is an extraordinarily mercenary attitude for Abram to adopt – to say nothing of its racist (anti-Egyptian) and misogynistic (anti-Sarai) implications. Abram cares only about his own well-being and self-aggrandisement – and he will do anything to materially enrich his situation – even prostituting his wife to be used by the Pharaoh for profit! The Jewish authors seem to be siding with Abram and accusing the Pharaoh of acting inappropriately. An interesting question is “why” is this Jewish criminality (which occurs in other parts of the Bible) treated with such a casual and inattentive manner? Following the law and customs of other countries is a duty to all people and a mark of human civilisation – just as non-Jews are expected to show respect for Jewish traditions, attitudes and conventions.

Zionist-fascism does not like being challenged!

UK: Tory Zionist Attempts to Hijack “Islamophobia” Debate! (20.3.2024)

The caller states that it is racist for Palestinians to chant “From the River to the Sea!” – but perfectly understandable for the Prime Minister of Israel to use this phrase every time he suggests the wiping-out of the Palestinian people and the stealing of Palestinian land! Of course, the caller says nothing about the recent International Court of Justice’s ruling which states that Israel is committing “Plausible Genocide” in Gaza. When challenged to provide any tangible evidence for the racist and ill-judged opinions that he holds – the caller becomes quite “agitated” by the host for being asked to confirm to the usual standards required for a civilised debate to take place in the UK. Indeed, this obviously middle-class caller considers it something of an inconvenience to provide evidence in support of the right-wing views he hold – to the extent that he threatens to “get my ‘phone” at one point – before accusing the host of “anti-Semitism” when he cannot get his own and his lies are exposed.

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh 2024

The Hague: Eire’s “Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh” – Describes Israel’s “Misogynistic” Genocide! (18.1.2024)

As there is no pain-killers, blood-clotters or extra blood-supplies – the Surgeons are left with no alternative but to ‘remove’ the entire womb (Hysterectomy) of the woman in an attempt to stem over-all bleeding when NO further treatment or drugs are available. Believe it or not, a perfectly healthy Palestinian woman is forced (through Zionist activity) to have her entire womb permanently REMOVED in an attempt to save her life due to the deficient circumstances generated by the Zionist (“Genocidal”) activity! If the woman survives this process – then she will NEVER be able to have another child – thus fulfilling the Zionist plan of preventing the Palestinian people from reproducing (ethnic-cleansing).

BBC Radio Drama (Progressive): “The Exorcism” [Broadcasted 28.12.1992] – By Don Taylor!

The UK, until around the abolition of ‘free’ Universal Education in 1988 – had far more in common with the average Soviet Republic – than any Bourgeois (capitalist) State of anti-intellectual America! Even after 1988, the British Welfare State and National Health Service (until 2012) still made the UK a relatively “Socialist” bastion that stood in defiance of both US and EU neo-imperialist ideology! Thatcher destroyed the comprehensive Socialist fabric of the UK – and in 1992 – the after-birth that was “John Major” invited a US “expert” to the UK with the intention of ‘weening’ the British population off of Welfare and health (paid for by collective taxation) delivered ‘free’ at the point of use!

Dr Konstancja Duff: “The Crucial Issue is That Racism, Misogyny [and] Sexual Violence are Normalised in Policing!” (18.5.2023)

The Guardian newspaper is a tool of the Bourgeois State – which today adopts a cenrte – centre-left (Trotskyite) approach to perpetuating governmental ‘disinformation’. This transformation from ‘friend of the left’ to ‘fake left’ has taken many years. The fact that it has uncritically supported the US-enforced Neo-Nazi government of the Ukraine is a testament to this fact. I have quoted The Guardian’s report on the case of Dr Konstancja Duff not because I agree with its editorial approach – but rather because a) the story of Dr Konstancja Duff belongs to the ‘People’, and b) such quoting serves my current purposes. DO NOT financially support The Guardian – a newspaper which took the side of the Met Police all the way through this sorry saga – only giving ground when the CCTV was released and Dr Konstancja Duff was ‘successful’ with her Civil Case! Just in case you are NOT yet convinced of the routine criminality found within the Met Police – you can checkout the story of ‘PC Hussain Chehab’! When the offending Officer is NOT ‘White’ – the likes of the Guardian and BBC ensure that the details are reported far and wide! This process is used to ‘obscure’ the criminality of ‘White’ Officers – whose stories (if they are reported at all) appear in the back pages and in obscure areas of publications!

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