South African Lawyers - Hague 2024

UN: South Africa’s Excellent “Genocide” Case Against Zionist Israel! (15.1.2024)

Furthermore, in pursuing this US-friendly policy – Qatar is acting in support of Zionist Israel whose US-supplied Airforce and missiles routinely ‘bomb’ the Syrian hinterland on a regular basis – and have done so for some years! Qatar is not alone in supporting Zionist Israel in Syria whilst opposing Zionist Israel in Palestine – as Turkey and Saudi Arabia are currently pursuing a similar US-friendly (anti-Socialist) foreign policy trajectory in Syria. How would these countries respond if Palestine became ‘free’ and declared itself an Arab Socialist Republic – just like Iran? Interesting food for thought and an interesting story recorded in Max Blumenthal’s book entitled ‘The Savagery of Violence’. Of course, I am no stranger in criticising Qatar and Al Jazeera – as my usual function is to counter Al Jazeera’s continuous attack upon Communist China – which is a staple of its ‘fake’ news coverage regarding the PRC!

Jeremy Corbyn

UK: How Jo Cox Opposed Corbyn & Supported the US Overthrow of Syria!

Of course, this is not a new policy for the Americans – who readily used Italian, Japanese and Germany War Criminals in the post-WWII period – justifying the hate-filled ideology of these lunatics behind a thin veneer of “anti-Communist” belief! Jo Cox was a nasty person and certainly not the “Angel of Labour” as the Bourgeoise media tried to paint her as! She was despicably MURDERED by a member of Britain First – a lunatic who shared many of her attitudes! Brexit was NOT about racism – it was about a British working-class rejection of US Neo-Imperialism in the UK and Europe! Brexit was about REJECTING US anti-Socialism and a restatement of the “Free-Thinking” of the British people!

Syria: UK’s Official Support for the Islamic Extremist “White Helmets”! (30.11.2023)

You may have noticed that the rhetoric of the numerous Pro-Palestinian news and political outlets routinely criticises the ‘traitor’ Arab States. These include Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia – amongst others. All these Islamic States not only side with Israel and the US – but are also behind the arming and funding of ISIS in Syria – spoon-fed to the fee-paying West as ‘White Helmets’! Turkey is also behind Uyghur terrorism in China, whilst Qatar, through Al Jazeera, continuously broadcasts US-derived anti-China (racist) rhetoric! US money and regime change has made Arab solidarity a thing of the past. What follows below is an extract from the above book which documents the UK’s funding and support for the ‘White Helmets’ – which routinely carryout massacres, rape and pillage in the so-called ‘liberated’ areas of Syria! The US wants to destroy ‘Socialist’ Syria for Israel – because Syria’s legitimate Assad government continuously opposes Zionist War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

Iraq (2003): How Zionist-Israel Brutally Assisted the US Invasion! (24.10.2023)

This Zionist (fascist) activity contributed toward the general attitude of ‘Crusade’ held by the far-right Christian troops provided by the US! As a result – tens of thousands of Islamic men and women heeded the call for ‘Jihad’ – a righteous (spiritually) induced self-defence uprising that cost the lives of tens of thousands of brave Iraqi who went into battle carrying old AK-47s – trying their best against the most advanced weaponry in the world possessed by the US – which also included ‘illegal’ fire-arms that were deliberately ‘tested’ on the bodies of the Iraqi people! Although the most elite military units of Iraq fought bravely against the invading West in 2003 – many of the ‘Conscripted’ Iraqi units were ‘surrendered’ by their Officers without a fight! As the ‘racist’ reality of US invasion dawned on these Iraqi men – they chose to belatedly ‘rise-up’ and teach the Americans (and the Israelis) a lesson!

Examples of US, Zionist & Amnesty International “Atrocity Propaganda!” (15.10.2023)

hen you live long enough – you realise that the Bourgeois State carefully stage manages its control of the means of production through through the use of a number of ‘set-piece’ and continuously ‘repeating’ cycles of misrepresentation and manipulation. This is designed primarily to prevent the means of production from passing from the control of the Bourgeisie – to the control of the Proletariat – through a successful Socialist Revolution. Working-class unity and solidarity is continuously attacked, defused and dissolved through the use of disinformation, ridicule and blatant oppression. As the Bourgeoisie controls the Western, capitalist system, the US, UK and EU always behaves in a unified ‘anti-worker’ manner – usually led by the US – the strongest (single) military component of this exploitative triad. To this end, the Americans perpetuate US anti-intellectualism as a means to mislead and misdirect the working-class. This is a method of mass manipulation that the US has mastered post-1945 during its anti-Socialist Cold War Offensive!

Management of Savagery – The US ‘Disposal Problem’ Whilst Financing International Terrorism! (5.8.2023)

In the 1980s and 1990s, the disgruntled masses in the West were brainwashed -through the mainstream media (left and right) – to unquestionably support all forms of Islamo-fascistic terrorism! Invariably, the followers of this murderous ideology were presented as preferable to any form of ‘Socialist’ administration. Mindless murder was portrayed as a ‘civilised’ alternative to ‘Socialism’ – as the Americans who had invented and empowered this ideology believed that ‘all roads lead to Washington’! In other words, the reliance upon the maniacal belief in an extremist theology would eventually morph into a natural respect for predatory capitalism and liberal democracy.

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