Wil a Hung Parliament Be Achieved?

UK: Independent Left & Right Strive for Hung Parliament! (5.6.2024)

What will happen? Interestingly, both the left and right are looking to achieve a Hung Parliament within which no single Party possesses over-all control. This would mean that the “Independents” would exercise an inordinate amount of political power and influence – prevent Labour, the Tories and the LibDems from following their usual neo-con policies in perfect sync with the US. It would also prevent the LibDems from attempting to take the UK back into the European Union (EU) – and hinder a UK government from continuously giving-up sovereignty to an out of control Brussels. Whether this scenario will play-out – only time will tell. As matters stand, a right-wing Labour Party looks like winning as a replacement for a failing right-wing Tory Junta that has spent its time placating the US and pursuing an obvious BJP trajectory!

Socialism NOT Nationalism!

On How the Bourgeoisie Weaponises Immigration! (2.6.2024)

Such groups are traitors seeking to materially enrich themselves with promises of free houses, cars, school-places, money, and jobs – all elements of British society now denied to British citizens born or naturalised in the UK. Whereas the right will always oppose immigration regardless of its origin – the left must be very careful In its distinguishing of the issue at hand so that the matter can be dialectically rectified. Many ethnic Chinese people living in the Britain reject the Tory policy of resettling thousands of Hong Kong rioters in the UK – but this voice is ignored as being part of the general bourgeois policy of demonising ALL Chinese opinion accept those which supports the US! Simply accepting ALL immigration on the grounds that it might be “racist” to criticise it in anyway ignores the bourgeois-generated problem that exists. Opposing fascism disguised as migration – is an attack upon fascism – and should not be used as an excuse for an attack upon the principle of migrants or migration itself.

O'Brien Trot 2024

Book Review: James O’Brien’s “How They Broke Britain”! (11.5.2024)

A similar distorting pattern can be found in his relentless pro-EU propaganda (a distortion which omits entirely the EU’s “US-inspired” history of manipulation) is thoroughly condescending (ignoring as he does the left-wing opposition to the EU) – whilst his hatchet-job on Jeremy Corbyn seems to be the entire purpose of the book (according to O’Brien, “Zionism” is inherently “good” – and to oppose this UN-recognised form of fascism is “anti-Semitic”, etc) – camouflaged as it is (from both sides) by his “displeasure” with atypical Tory figures (many of these individuals being “non-White” – but with O’Brien careful NOT to be seen as singling them out) he choses to include in his diatribe. O’Brien has plenty to say about David Cameron – but remains “silent” about the UN-recognised killing of at least 120,000 British people with Disabilities (between 2010-2016) – by the “Coalition” of rabid Tories and LibDems! This rate of attrition was achieved (and is still being achieved) through the auspices of ruthless and permanent Tory cuts in the Welfare State, Social Services and National Health Services.

US-backed Neo-Nazi Ukraine

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Azov Founder “Coming Out” on Video! (20.4.2024)

This is all very odd, as the Glorious Russian Army has inflicted at least 500,000 casualties (killed and wounded) on the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Forces – armed by the West as assisted by mercenaries from around the world – including Zionist Israel! I think Mr Biletsky is a “Closet Gay” who (like most of the “Troops” under his Command) – would like to “come-out” – but are too afraid of being shot by a beautiful Russian Sniper!

In any event, we are left with this, “Western men – they have too small balls – and they run around chasing each other in their underwear!” Of course, many assume he’s just letting-off steam – talking shit about the very same NATO twinks that idolize him – and drool over drone videos! Like much else from the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Front – there is much homosexual frustration about it all!

Rochdale Result!

Gallowcide in Rochdale! (1.3.2024)

What fooled many people for many years was the fact that until his 2002 reversion to Islam – he was genuinely of the ‘left’ – and whilst he absorbed the inevitable pre-modern attitudes of the theistic belief system of his choice, he kept up the ‘front’ (or ‘rear-guard’ action) that ‘hid’ his new non-Socialist attitudes from those who only knew him as a ‘Socialist’. Perhaps his clash with the US Senate in 2005 was his fabled ‘Last Stand’. It is probably dawning on him now – as he sits in his comfy chair, sips his coco and wears his warm slippers – that to stop the Grooming Gangs – he will have to denounce a number of those religiously motivated prejudices he now currently adheres to – because such an adherence makes his partner feel ‘nice’ about the world (the ‘JK Rowling’ effect).

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