Vladimir Mayakovsky - Beautiful Soviet Poet!

US: Council of Geeks – Dialectically Interesting! (4.6.2024)

As a Communist Futurist (very much in the mould of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky) – I view the development of endlessly progressing surgery performed upon the human body – to be of the maximum importance. Why? It is self-evident. Whilst alive we inhabit a body which has the capacity to be injured, to get ill and develop all kinds of terrible and awful maladies. In the end – we all die – and in death we are equal. Surely, if we understand that this biological machine has a tendency to become damaged – is it not incumbent upon each and every one of us to progress human thought in the direct of rebuilding, reconstructing and repairing the human body? That is – to fully penetrate the mysteries of the human body cells – and work-out how it operates and how these evolutionary processes can be reversed engineered and perhaps even improved upon.

Ornate Starway in the Museum!

Visiting St Albans Museum – Excellent Educational Experience! (30.5.2024)

St Albans Museum records the recent and the ancient history of the area – with the building itself being an important part of this record. I am including below a random but substantial number of photographs taken on the day – recording the many rooms, exhibits and important artefacts! On the day there was a very interesting Ladybird Exhibition – which interested Mei-An due to her advanced drawing ability! As usual, there was no data concerning Chinese migrants from the British Empire – but there was a very interesting exhibit regarding the Windrush Generation!

King Charles - Who Never Died Today!

UK: Demise of “King Charles III” Story Fabricated to Obscure Putin’s Successful Re-Election Win! (19.3.2024)

Today, March 18th, 2024, a number of media outlets and Telegram channels reported that 75-year-old King Charles III died in Great Britain. The publications were accompanied by a screenshot of an allegedly official statement from Buckingham Palace – which although believed to have originated in the UK – has turned out to be fake.

Among those who published information were Russian-language Telegram channels, as well as Telegram channels of the Kazakh media, such as Atameken Business, Bes Media and TengriNews. At the same time, these outlets emphasized that there was no official information about the death of the monarch.

Later, Buckingham Palace denied this information, noting that “the king continues to perform work duties and engage in private affairs.” And the British Embassy in Russia called this information fake.

Small Buddha!

Richard Hunn’s Portable Buddha-Statue! (2.3.2024)

As it stands, Oxford University is the pinnacle of Bourgeois opulence, class distinction, grace and favour! Indeed, my mother’s family used to live in Lewisham (the East End of London) – before Hitler’s Luftwaffe bombed the area during September, 1941! Thousands of our bombed-out neighbours were moved into the Chislehurst Caves – where they created an underground City for the duration of War (in fact, until the incumbent Labour Party had finished building thousands of decent Council Houses in 1947) – whilst my family (the ‘Gibson’ Clan) were given a Train Pass and relocated to Oxford – where some of our relatives had been sent for work during an earlier bombing.

Buddhism: The Marxist-Dhamma Interface! (14.12.2023)

Although Buddhism is apolitical – in the rel world even an apolitical entity has a political function – even if that function involves the permanent position of ‘opposing’ any and all manifestations of human ignorance known as “political” structures! What are these structures? These unwanted structures are any manifestations premised upon greed, hatred, and delusion, and which function within the inverted world of dualistic being. Such constructs are inherently suffering producing and are not conducive to human happiness. This is why Buddhists strive to uproot greed, hatred, and delusion from their minds and bodies – and in so doing generate the conditions for a better outward world. Click on the above link to read more…

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