Lebanon: Heroic Hezbollah Missile Combats Zionist “Genocide”! (18.4.2024)

Although the US, UK and the EU are politically supporting this mass murder – and granting Israel the military technology to carry it out – the Lebanese Hezbollah (armed by Socislist Iran) is putting up a stiff resistance! Indeed, a well-aimed Hezbollah guided missile is filmed above destroying the military radar of the Israeli Miron Air Control Base on 17-4-2024 – formerly used to target innocent Palestinians!

Gaza: IDF Suffers in “Stalingrad” Quagmire! (4.1.2024)

Hamas is performing a sterling rear guard action against Israelis Neo-Nazi thugs! We know this because most of these heroic battles are being filmed by Hamas, uploaded onto the Internet and broadcast on Arab TV Stations sympathetic to the Palestinian Cause! Israel, despite all its advantages has won nothing and is winning even less! South Africa has reported this horrific State Entity for being the genocidal cesspit it is!

Jerusalem: Latest Zionist War Crime Sees Pregnant Palestinian Woman Stabbed to Death! (30.11.2023)

Film footage of this latest Zionist Crime Against Humanity was recorded on CCTV whilst the footage was released on the Internet not long after the death of the woman (and her baby) was confirmed. The pro-Iaraeli (US-dominated) media has pursued its usual response of ignoring this Zionist War Crime – whilst ordinary right-thinking people have shared this footage far and wide! The hateful criminality of Zionist Israel is plain for all to see

Zionist War Crime: Mosque Destroyed! (19.11.2023)

And just like the Nazi Germans – we can live in hope that this self-indulgent practice will serve as ‘evidence’ in a legal case and help bring the guilty to justice. I think the civilised world will agree that just like in Nuremberg – the, Zionist Jews found ‘Guilty’ of these diabolical crimes should face the Death Penalty! Following this, the Zionists should be removed from Palestine and resettled in the US – whilst the US pays reparations to the Palestinians and assists in the rebuilding of the Palestinian State!

Palestine: Courage of Hamas Freedom Fighters Confronting Zionist Fascism! (12.11.2023)

Despite the odds stacked against them, the various factions comprising the Hamas Freedom Fighters are taking the fight to the Neo-Nazi enemy! Losses are high – but so is Palestinian morale! Israel may bask in the light of endless US support – but the leaders of this Zionist Rogue State must know that the rule of their fascism is coming to its own conclusion as Jews around the world start forming anti-Zionist groups designed to pressure Israeli policy away from domination and displacement. As matters stand, the Palestinian people are paying a high price for their Resistance to tyranny – but no oppressed group in history has achieved freedom by doing nothing – by suffering nothing! Of course, the world is complicit in Israeli War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

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