Yemen Defends the Rights of Palestine!

Yemen: Filipino Shipping Crews Assisting Israel in Red Sea! (14.6.2024)

Yemen’s Houthi militants launched a boat-borne bomb attack on Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier MV Tutor in the Red Sea on Wednesday.

Filipino sailors have been killed or abducted in Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The rebels are still holding a number of the kidnapped victims.

In April, the Philippines banned the deployment of Filipino seafarers on passenger and cruise ships transiting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden due to the risk of sailing in those regions.

The Philippines is among the biggest suppliers of maritime labour in the world, providing almost one-fifth of the 1.2 million seafarers worldwide, according to the International Labour Organization.

Iraq (2003): How Zionist-Israel Brutally Assisted the US Invasion! (24.10.2023)

This Zionist (fascist) activity contributed toward the general attitude of ‘Crusade’ held by the far-right Christian troops provided by the US! As a result – tens of thousands of Islamic men and women heeded the call for ‘Jihad’ – a righteous (spiritually) induced self-defence uprising that cost the lives of tens of thousands of brave Iraqi who went into battle carrying old AK-47s – trying their best against the most advanced weaponry in the world possessed by the US – which also included ‘illegal’ fire-arms that were deliberately ‘tested’ on the bodies of the Iraqi people! Although the most elite military units of Iraq fought bravely against the invading West in 2003 – many of the ‘Conscripted’ Iraqi units were ‘surrendered’ by their Officers without a fight! As the ‘racist’ reality of US invasion dawned on these Iraqi men – they chose to belatedly ‘rise-up’ and teach the Americans (and the Israelis) a lesson!