Zionist Nazism Rejected By Colombia!

Colombia Breaks Diplomatic Links, US Students Protest and UN Investigates Isreali “Genocide” in Gaza! (2.5.2024)

Speaking to a crowd in the capital Bogota, the Colombian president referred to the Israeli government as “genocidal.”

“The era of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people before our eyes, before our humanity, cannot return,” said Petro, adding that if Palestine dies, humanity dies.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz denounced Colombia’s decision. “Relations between Israel and Colombia have always been warm, and no antisemitic and hate-filled president can change that,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.

The Colombian president has expressed his intention to cut off diplomatic ties with Israel on several occasions since the UN Security Council adopted in March a resolution on ceasefire in Gaza.

Colombia recalled its ambassador to Israel in October, a few days after Israel launched military operations in densely-populated areas in Gaza in response to Hamas attack.

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh 2024

The Hague: Eire’s “Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh” – Describes Israel’s “Misogynistic” Genocide! (18.1.2024)

As there is no pain-killers, blood-clotters or extra blood-supplies – the Surgeons are left with no alternative but to ‘remove’ the entire womb (Hysterectomy) of the woman in an attempt to stem over-all bleeding when NO further treatment or drugs are available. Believe it or not, a perfectly healthy Palestinian woman is forced (through Zionist activity) to have her entire womb permanently REMOVED in an attempt to save her life due to the deficient circumstances generated by the Zionist (“Genocidal”) activity! If the woman survives this process – then she will NEVER be able to have another child – thus fulfilling the Zionist plan of preventing the Palestinian people from reproducing (ethnic-cleansing).

Palestinian Freedom Fighter - 2023!

Palestine: Gaza is the “New” Stalingrad! (31.12.2023)

These Israeli men and women receive the best military training available in the world (often in the US and UK), carry the most advanced and destructive weaponry, receive the best food and pay, and when injured – receive the most advanced medical care! When IDF Veterans retire, they receive ample financial rewards with many joining right-wing and fascist fighting forces outside Israel – such as the Neo-Nazi Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)! The Palestinian freedom fighters have nowhere to go as they fight, die, and exist in the very earth from which their people have historically emerged! Surely, the Neo-Nazi Zionist invaders will be defeated, and the progressive Palestinian Cause will prevail!

Palestine: US & UK Support Zionist War Crimes in Storming of Hospital! (16.11.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that Palestinian hospitals will continue to bear witness to the unprecedented crimes of the Zionist entity, which have reached a level never practiced by any earlier Occupation or version of colonialism. However, our people are determined to resist it and are steadfast and determined, and will not raise the white flag! Our doctors, patients, and all of our people will remain strong. They will not be intimidated by these crimes, and they will not forgive or forget the complicity of the International Community and International Medical Institutions that turned a blind eye to the targeting of hospitals and the medical system, and the killing of doctors and patients.

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