PFLP - Hamas - Freedom Fighters!

Palestine: ICC Has No Right To Label Hamas As War Criminals! (23.5.2024)

All the Generals guiding war, the Zionist soldiers of slaughter, of burning, of killing and endless destruction – this evil army of a rogue racist entity – that flouts all International Conventions with its frenzied war must not escape punishment!

Abdel-Al called on the International Court not to pay attention to external pressure – and for the Court to continue pursuing Zionist War Criminals.

Abdel-Al concluded: “Justice does not mean equality between the Occupier and those under Occupation, lest it become an encouragement for the Occupation to continue its war of genocide and extermination against the Palestinian people.”

PFLP Discuss Ongoing Zionist Violence!

Lebanon: Department of Refugee Affairs and Right of Return – Zionist Dismantling of UNRWA! (17.3.2024)

For his part, Brother Ali Huwaidi spoke about the UNRWA centre being targeted, especially after the 7th of October, pointing out that UNRWA is currently undergoing an intense dismantling process due to the transition of its work from development to relief, in the context of removing the name refugee as a prelude to ending the refugee issue and the right of return.

Huwaidi added that the dismantling process comes in the context of demonizing UNRWA through lies and allegations published by the Zionist organization claiming the existence of permanent coordination between some UNRWA employees and the Palestinian resistance, especially Hamas, stressing that until this moment there is no proof of these allegations.

Israeli Zionism Will Not Win!

Marwan Abdel-Al: The World was Once Unable to Accept Nazism – But the World Now Accepts the Birth of a New Nazism? (27.2.2024)

There is something that was prepared in advance regarding the Saudi-Israeli intersection on the issue of normalization, as this issue was a life-or-death battle for the Israeli enemy and the Americans. The battle is broader than the Gaza Strip and will not end within the Gaza borders. It is not our battle alone. ‘Israel’ was preparing and conducting manoeuvres to fight on the basis of many theatres and more than one front and placed all its capabilities in the service of perpetuating a battle on several fronts. The Zionists were forced to stop their aggression without achieving its goals, this practically means a victory for the Resistance. We do not favour the two-State solution and consider everything that was said to be empty talk.”

Unity in Resistance!

Lebanon: PFLP Meets with Hezbollah to Discuss Ongoing Israeli Genocide in Gaza! (17.2.2024)

1- The Palestinian situation at home and the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, especially the terrorism practiced by the enemy on the city of Rafah. Palestinian National Unity was stressed together with the role of the Resistance in confronting the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem – whilst confronting the illegal Settlement and Displacement Projects that aim to liquidate the Palestinian people (Israeli inflicted ‘Genocide’) – with the Zionist removal of the Holy City of Jerusalem as their capital.

2 – The two sides condemned the Zionist aggression against Gaza, the West Bank and Southern Lebanon, and the accompanying Arab and International ‘Silence’ regarding the IDF-induced massacres, killing and terrorism taking place against the Palestinian people, whilst praising the role of the Resistance in confronting the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese people – sending greetings to all the free people of the world acting in Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

3 – Strengthening unity among all Resistance factions, emphasizing the centrality of the confrontation in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood – and Resisting the Zionist enemy which, through its racism – practices a ‘War of Extermination’ whilst Committing Crimes Against Humanity!

Palestinian Freedom Fighter - 2023!

Palestine: Gaza is the “New” Stalingrad! (31.12.2023)

These Israeli men and women receive the best military training available in the world (often in the US and UK), carry the most advanced and destructive weaponry, receive the best food and pay, and when injured – receive the most advanced medical care! When IDF Veterans retire, they receive ample financial rewards with many joining right-wing and fascist fighting forces outside Israel – such as the Neo-Nazi Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)! The Palestinian freedom fighters have nowhere to go as they fight, die, and exist in the very earth from which their people have historically emerged! Surely, the Neo-Nazi Zionist invaders will be defeated, and the progressive Palestinian Cause will prevail!

Palestine: Zionist Veterans Explain Their Murder of Non-Jews! (22.12.2023)

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the churches that have sent messages of support and courageously spoken out against these crimes. Your commitment to justice and your unwavering support are greatly appreciated during these dark times.

Jesus was born under occupation and oppression, the story of his birth, life, death and resurrection exemplifies the struggle for justice. 2,000 years later, the Palestinian experience is still one of struggle for justice.

For the first time, the tradition of lighting Bethlehem’s tree will not take place. What was once a season of joy has become a season of mourning.

Let us unite, in a spirit of solidarity and justice, and the spirit of Christmas, to ensure that next year, Christmas will be celebrated in a free Palestine, in a free Bethlehem, in a free Jerusalem, and in a free and healing Gaza.

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas.

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