Palestine: The Latest “IDF” Massacre [Extended Cut]! (6.12.2023)

This was not without its problems – but things soon sorted themselves-out after the Zionist murder of UN Ambassador – Folke Bernadotte in 1948. Although the (White), middle-class, secular Jews that had been carrying out a ruthless terrorist campaign in Palestine for decades against the Occupying British Army and the protesting indigenous Arabs (funded by US Zionists and supported by such high-profile Jews as disgraced Leon Trotsky between 1929 and his death in 1940) – killing their “first” bona fide non-combatant was something of a milestone! Whilst visiting Palestine to investigate Press reports of “massacres” perpetuated by the Zionist terrorist forces against the Arab population – Folke Bernadotte was swiftly shot in the face as he disembarked from a UN-sanctioned aeroplane – with his dead body simply re-carried back up the stairs from which he had just descended. Judicial action carried-out against the Zionist State or its terrorist forces – NONE.

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