US: Biden Suppresses Widespread Anti-Israel Protests! (24.1.2024)

Meanwhile, South Africa (and other countries) has proven – at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – that the crimes committed by Zionist Israel are “Genocidal” in nature. Bizarrely, Germany (of all counytirs) has followed US dictates and attempted to defend and justify the murderous behaviour of the Zionists. Perhaps the killing of non-White Palestinians by White Israelis is really what all this is about – with a massive land grab being the inevitable result. Whatever the case, the University students of America are on the march and it is their dedication to the case of International Justice with must be supported and admired! The racist terror machine of the US and Israel can be beaten!

Anti-Zionist Resistance

Palestine: Situation Assessment [2.11.2023]: The Massive Ground Operation of the Occupation Army in the Gaza Strip! (13.1.2024)

This reality will constitute the primary factor in determining the size and duration of the Occupation Army’s ground manoeuvre, and the extent of its success in achieving its goals, despite the extensive technological and political support the Zionists receive from their numerous international (and Arab) allies. A ground intervention in the Gaza Strip, however, does not constitute a source of consensus at several levels, whether within the Occupying Entity or in the regional and international arenas. This fact may also constitute a motivating factor for further movement by the Resistance in the region for more serious and influential involvement. In the fighting across other arenas, the official announcement by the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces regarding carrying out attacks and continuing to carry out attacks in the future – represents a prelude to larger movements, the features of which may be determined by an upcoming speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

DPRK Opposes All Forms of Terrorism!

DPRK: Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Message of Sympathy to Iranian President! (11.1.2024)

In the message, the Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, speaking himself, the government and people of the DPRK, expressed deep condolences and sympathy to the Iranian President and, through him, to the Iranian government and people and the bereaved families and victims, upon the sad news that heavy casualties were caused by recent terrorist bomb attacks in Kerman Province of Iran.

Reaffirming the consistent stand of the DPRK government opposing all sorts of terrorism, the message sincerely hoped that stability would be brought to the bereaved families and victims as soon as possible. (End)

Palestine: Hamas Inflicts 14,000 IDF Casualties! (10.1.2024)

Hamas is fighting an excellent campaign against terrible odds – certainly as effective as the Viet Cong were against the Americans during the Vietnam War! Like the Americans, the racist Zionists are learning the hard way what an oppressed minority is capable of doing given the right conditions! The US is failing in its foreign policy of creating proxies to carryout the dirty work for them! Well done Hamas!

Jewish criminality - 2023

France: Zionist Settlers Must Be Held Legally Responsible for Their “Terrorist” Crimes! (19.12.2023)

The Ministry considered, in a statement, that this decision is a step in the right direction towards applying international law and relevant United Nations resolutions to the entire colonial settlement regime, which undermines the opportunity to implement the two-state solution.

It called on all countries to place the Israeli colonialist terrorists that commit attacks and crimes against the Palestinian people and those who stand behind them, support and protect them on their terrorist lists, prosecute them, and prevent them from entering their territories.

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