Great Martyr!

Lebanon: Memorial Service for Great Martyr Walid Daqqa! (17.4.2024)

During his speech at the Memorial Service was organized by the Press Syndicate in Beirut. Commander Mezher praised the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people throughout the Gaza Strip, stressing that our people have proved that they are a mighty and steadfast power, and that the criminal enemy (Zionists) have not been able to break their will, determination, and sense of belonging to their land! Mezher stressed that the Resistance is determined in its demands to stop the aggression and complete the full Zionist withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. to secure the return of all displaced persons to the areas from which they were displaced, the complete breaking of the siege on the Gaza Strip, the opening of all crossings and the entry of aid without restrictions or conditions!

Zionist-fascism does not like being challenged!

UK: Tory Zionist Attempts to Hijack “Islamophobia” Debate! (20.3.2024)

The caller states that it is racist for Palestinians to chant “From the River to the Sea!” – but perfectly understandable for the Prime Minister of Israel to use this phrase every time he suggests the wiping-out of the Palestinian people and the stealing of Palestinian land! Of course, the caller says nothing about the recent International Court of Justice’s ruling which states that Israel is committing “Plausible Genocide” in Gaza. When challenged to provide any tangible evidence for the racist and ill-judged opinions that he holds – the caller becomes quite “agitated” by the host for being asked to confirm to the usual standards required for a civilised debate to take place in the UK. Indeed, this obviously middle-class caller considers it something of an inconvenience to provide evidence in support of the right-wing views he hold – to the extent that he threatens to “get my ‘phone” at one point – before accusing the host of “anti-Semitism” when he cannot get his own and his lies are exposed.

PFPL Statement - Shifa

Lebanon: Storming of Shifa Medical Complex – Zionist Brutality Exceeds Crimes of Nazi Germany! (19.3.2024)

The Front stressed that the origins of this cowardly crime is not borne by the Zionists alone, but by the United States of America and the international community, who continue to give the Occupation a green light to continue committing these unprecedented atrocities. Never in any conflict in the world have hospitals and medical centres been targeted with such deliberate brutality, criminality and destruction – which has included the systematic killing of doctors and patients alike.

IDF Murder Press!

UN: Zionist Aggression Murders “122” Journalists Since Start of Al-Aqsa Flood! (1.2.2024)

“We have received disturbing reports that despite being clearly identifiable in jackets and helmets marked “press” or traveling in well-marked press vehicles, journalists have come under attack, which would seem to indicate that the killings, injury, and detention are a deliberate strategy by Israeli forces to obstruct the media and silence critical reporting,” the UN experts said.

 “Journalists are entitled to protection as civilians under international humanitarian law. Targeted attacks and killings of journalists are war crimes,” the experts warned.

The UN experts urged the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to give particular attention to the dangerous pattern of attacks and impunity for crimes against journalists, which has intensified since October 7. “Targeting and killing of journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory must stop,” they said.