King of Spain!

Spain: King of Spain – “Violence in Gaza Has Reached Unimaginable levels!” (9.5.2024)

Speaking at an event in the capital Madrid, Felipe noted that its consequences are projected globally with “many uncertainties.”

“This did not begin on Oct. 7, but it was when this terrible escalation of violence began with the devastating destruction and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It has already reached unimaginable levels and is of utmost concern to everyone,” he said.

Anti-Zionist - Anti-Fascist

Lebanese Communist Party (Australia): May 1st Labour Day [Sydney] – Rafah – Over One Million Threatened with Forced displacement! (7.5.2024)

The Australian Eureka Organization held a dinner party on the occasion of May 1st (Labour Day – 2024) in the Greek Community Hall in Sydney (it is a progressive organization, the majority of which is of Greek origin, concerned with defending the rights of the working class and small producers – and confronting the waves of exploitation that do not stop under the capitalist plundering system – especially the costs of daily living). In addition to members of the Greek community, delegations from the Iraqi, Palestinian, Lebanese and Iranian communities attended.

Zionist Nazism Rejected By Colombia!

Colombia Breaks Diplomatic Links, US Students Protest and UN Investigates Isreali “Genocide” in Gaza! (2.5.2024)

Speaking to a crowd in the capital Bogota, the Colombian president referred to the Israeli government as “genocidal.”

“The era of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people before our eyes, before our humanity, cannot return,” said Petro, adding that if Palestine dies, humanity dies.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz denounced Colombia’s decision. “Relations between Israel and Colombia have always been warm, and no antisemitic and hate-filled president can change that,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.

The Colombian president has expressed his intention to cut off diplomatic ties with Israel on several occasions since the UN Security Council adopted in March a resolution on ceasefire in Gaza.

Colombia recalled its ambassador to Israel in October, a few days after Israel launched military operations in densely-populated areas in Gaza in response to Hamas attack.

Jewish criminality - 2023

France: Zionist Settlers Must Be Held Legally Responsible for Their “Terrorist” Crimes! (19.12.2023)

The Ministry considered, in a statement, that this decision is a step in the right direction towards applying international law and relevant United Nations resolutions to the entire colonial settlement regime, which undermines the opportunity to implement the two-state solution.

It called on all countries to place the Israeli colonialist terrorists that commit attacks and crimes against the Palestinian people and those who stand behind them, support and protect them on their terrorist lists, prosecute them, and prevent them from entering their territories.

Germany: Massive Berlin Protest Supports Gaza Strip Palestinians! (17.12.2023)

The demonstrators also chanted slogans calling for freedom for Palestine, death for Zionism, denouncing the American policy of supporting the Zionist enemy! The demonstrators criticised those who have participated in committing of Zionist War Crimes and IDF Genocidal War – whilst demanding an end to the Western support of Zionist Crimes Against Humanity! The demonstrators called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, sending medical aid and food, and providing the supplies that the people really need. The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip need help in the reconstruction of the destroyed area – whilst Zionist Israel must be reported to the UN and the ICC for its ongoing racism, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

Palestine: Day of Solidarity Meeting in Ain al-Hilweh – and Inspiring PFLP Resistance Speech! (3.12.2023)

He stressed that the victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance on October 7th (2023) is a great political and military achievement, and that the Palestinian people, through their legendary steadfastness, gained the respect of the peoples of the world who took to the streets in their millions, rejecting the Zionist aggression, and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to pursue freedom and to Resist the Zionist Occupation.

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