French Intelligensia Call for Palestine!

France: 500 Intellectuals Urge President Macron to Recognize Palestine! (18.5.2024)

In an article published by the Le Monde newspaper, the signatories wrote, “We, the citizens, call on the President of the Republic and the entire international community to recognize the State of Palestine without further delay.”

The group stated that “the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ongoing for over a century, has reached an unprecedented and unacceptable peak since October 7th, followed by subsequent events,” urging the international community, especially France, to “respond firmly and decisively.”

They emphasized that “France, recognized for its unique position among the nations, must be a model for those who have not yet dared to take this step.”

Lebanese Communist Party - 2024

Lebanese Communist Party: Meeting with the Civil Society Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the Nation’s Issues – on the Occasion of the Nakba Remembrance! (16.5.2024)

We affirm our standing and at the front of the ranks to defend our Palestinian people, and we pledge to you that we will remain loyal to the cause, for the blood of all the martyrs and the comrade martyrs of the Lebanese National Resistance Front, until the liberation of all of Palestine! The banners of struggle will remain flying high, in the face of the Zionist Occupation, until the establishment of the Palestinian Democratic National State on the entire Palestinian territory!

Greetings to the struggle of the Palestinian people and their valiant Resistance, as we appeal to the hands of free people across the world and even in America, especially the Student Movements in universities, which have been victorious for Palestine, its people and history!

Westernisation of Arabs!

Australia: Senator Accuses Israel of “Genocide”! (16.5.2024)

Following the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 – Fatima Payman took advantage of the temporary suppression of the “Taliban” (successors of the Mujahadeen) and fled to a nearby Western country (the product of the British imperialist invasion of Asia). In 2021, the US Military fled Afghanistan in defeat – allowing the Taliban to sweep back into the major cities – beheading thousands as they went! Again, Fatima Payman remained silent. Now, after Israel has committed one of the worst genocides of mode5n time – this young lady decides to speak-up. Perhaps the Australian government (which supported the US in Vietnam) – has changed its stance on unquestionably supporting Zionist Israel!

Zionist Genocide in Rafah!

Rafah: Egypt Confirms Israeii-Initiated “Genocide”! (15.5.2024)

Shoukry stressed that the Israeli control over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, Israeli military operations in the vicinity of the crossing, and exposure of the lives of relief workers and truck drivers to imminent dangers are the main reasons for the inability to bring in aid from the crossing.

He also denounced the desperate attempts of the Israeli side to hold Egypt responsible for the unprecedented humanitarian crisis facing the Gaza Strip, affirming that it is a direct result of the indiscriminate Israeli attacks against the Palestinians for more than seven months which so far resulted in the killing of more than 35,000 citizens, mostly women and children.

He demanded Israel assume its legal responsibilities as the occupying power, by allowing aid to enter through the land ports under its control.

UK Demonstration Against Israel!

Palestine: 76th “Nakba” Anniversary – Cabinet Affirms “NO Statute of Limitation” for Rights of the Palestinian People! (12.5.2024)

Nakba in Palestine describes a process of ethnic cleansing in which an unarmed native nation was destroyed and its population displaced systematically to be replaced by Jewish occupiers from all over the world. The Nakba resulted in the displacement of more than 1 million Palestinians out of the 1.4 million Palestinians who were living in historical Palestine in 1948 in 1,300 villages and towns.

The majority of the displaced Palestinians ended up in neighbouring Arab countries, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and other countries in the world. Furthermore, thousands of Palestinians – who stayed in the land controlled by Israeli occupation in 1948 – were driven out of their homes and lands which were seized.

According to the historical documentary evidence, Israeli occupation controlled 774 towns and villages and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and villages during the Nakba. The atrocities of Zionist forces also included more than 70 massacres in which more than 15 thousand Palestinians were martyred, The Israeli occupation has been waging its aggression since the Nakba, and has escalated it sharply during the current aggression against Gaza Strip since October 7th, 2023.

Palestine Wins UN Vote!

UN: General Assembly Backs Palestinian Bid for UN Membership! (11.5.2024)

UNITED NATIONS, May 10 (Xinhua) — The UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday adopted a resolution supporting the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommending that the Security Council “reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor and nine against, including the United States and Israel, while 25 countries abstained. China voted for the resolution.

The resolution states, “The State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution “determines” that a State of Palestine is qualified for membership – dropping the original language that in the UN General Assembly’s judgment it is “a peace-loving state.” It therefore recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request “favourably.”

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