مصطفى المومري

Yemen: Music Video – “Ship – Ship” By Mustafa Al-Mumri! (23.6.2024)

The shipping of weaponry and ammunition by the West through these sea-routes has been brought to its knees. Indeed, so effective has been this act of self-defence in the waters Yemeni own – that the US Airforce and RAF have bee used to carry-out numerous (illegal) air-strikes on the Yemeni mainland – killing numerous innocent people! This is a disgusting symptom of Zionist aggression and demonstrates how the Zionist (White Supremacy) movement controls and directs events in the world! Well-done Yemen – and thank you for your service!

Yemen Defends the Rights of Palestine!

Yemen: Filipino Shipping Crews Assisting Israel in Red Sea! (14.6.2024)

Yemen’s Houthi militants launched a boat-borne bomb attack on Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier MV Tutor in the Red Sea on Wednesday.

Filipino sailors have been killed or abducted in Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The rebels are still holding a number of the kidnapped victims.

In April, the Philippines banned the deployment of Filipino seafarers on passenger and cruise ships transiting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden due to the risk of sailing in those regions.

The Philippines is among the biggest suppliers of maritime labour in the world, providing almost one-fifth of the 1.2 million seafarers worldwide, according to the International Labour Organization.

Yemeni Missiles Survive Airstrikes!

Yemen: NEW Missile-Attacks Launched Against Pro-Israeli Shipping! (14.6.2024)

Since last November, the Houthi group, which controls much of northern Yemen, has initiated the launch of anti-ship ballistic missiles and drones targeting what it said were Israeli-linked ships transiting the Red Sea, to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In response, the U.S.-British naval coalition stationed in the area has since January conducted air raids and missile strikes against Houthi targets to deter the group, which, however, only led to an expansion of Houthi attacks to include U.S. and British commercial vessels and naval ships.

Spanish People Support Israel!

UK: Matt Lucas – Zionist Belief and the “Racist” Content of “Little Britain”! (9.6.2024)

Matt Lucas was forced to apologise for “Blacking-Up” in Rock Profile, Little Britain and the odious Come Fly with Me – following the murder of George Floyd by a US Police Officer in 2020 – and the worldwide protests this racially motivated incident unleashed. This happened after he had just published a self-serving biography “DENYING” his actions or motivations were “RACIST”! In 1975, the UN passed a Resolution declaring that “ZIONISM” is a form of White Supremacy practiced by White, middle-class, secular Jews – with the actions and opinions of Matt Lucas certainly confirming this declaration. People like Matt Lucas make money out of us – the Workers. Do not give Matt Lucas – or the likes of Sting, Stephen Fry, Bradley Cooper, Chris Rock, Rita Ora, Taika Waiti, Paul Rudd, Olivia Wilde, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Bella Thorne, Jimmy Carr, Matt Lucas, Zoe Saldana, Will Ferrell, Seth Meyers, Lana Del Ray, Julia Fox, Jordan Peele, David Schwimmer, Adam Levine and Anthony Russo, etc, your money or your time.

Сборная России по футболу

Football: How FIFA & UEFA Support Neo-Nazism in Ukraine by “Banning” Russia from the 2024 UEFA Cup! (7.6.2024)

Of course, the 2024 UEFA Cup is being held in Germany – the true home of Nazism which committed one of the greatest crimes the world has ever seen. Indeed, it was the Soviet Red Army that fought and broke the back of the once mighty Hitlerite regime – and yet it is the Germans who are playing football in this year’s UEAFA CUP – and the Russians who are not. The United States has caused total chaos, poverty and hardship by the stupid and pointless sanctions it has placed against Russia – which have had no effect upon Russia – but has rather destroyed the stability of the European economy. All this the Americans do in support of the Neo-Nazi regime it has imported in the Ukraine – the once proud spear-head of the Soviet Red Army – and the area within which the Nazi Germans (and their allies) carried-out the greatest amount of destruction during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Hundreds of Labour MPs Support Israeli Genocide in Gaza!

UK: Labour Party “Hides” Friends of Israel List! (1.6.2024)

Israeli embassy front group Labour Friends of Israel has deleted its public list of “Parliamentary supporters” ahead of the UK’s upcoming general election on 4 July.

The deletion appears to be a way to protect pro-Israel Labour candidates from electorial challengers on their left flank.

But copies of the list made as recently as 5 April are still available on internet archives. You can also read a full copy of the most recent list at the end of this article.

It seems likely that the list will be updated and republished later this year after the election.

Labour Friends of Israel did not respond to a request for comment.

The deletion came to light on Monday when right-wing Labour lawmaker Jess Phillips denied in a posting on X (formerly Twitter) that she was a “member” of the group or had “taken money.”

“I’m not a member of LFI I don’t know what being a member even is,” she wrote. It is unclear whether Phillips is denying having taken money from Labour Friends of Israel or from the Israel lobby generally.

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