DPRK-Russia - Treaty Signed!

DPRK: Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty Signed with Russia! (22.6.2024)

The great DPRK-Russia alliance, which will serve as a watershed in the history of the development of the relations between the two countries, has signalled the start of its grand voyage after raising the historic anchor at this ceremony, he said, affirming that the DPRK government will always be faithful to its obligation specified in the treaty throughout the future journey for steadily developing the comprehensive strategic partnership, the invincible relations of alliance with the Russian Federation.

Socialist Friendship Beats Capitalist Aggression!

DPRK: Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Chinese Party and Government Delegation! (25.4.2024)

On the same day Kim Jong Un hosted a luncheon for the party and government delegation of the PRC.

Present there were Jo Yong Won, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Ri Il Hwan, secretary of the C.C., WPK, Choe Son Hui, minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Song Nam, department director of the C.C., WPK, and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

At the luncheon, Kim Jong Un proposed a toast to the eternal development of socialism in the two countries, longevity and good health of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the successful DPRK visit of the party and government delegation of the PRC led by Zhao Leji.

Kim Jong Un had pleasant chats with Zhao Leji and other members of the delegation in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, further deepening friendship.

The luncheon proceeded in a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

Aurus brand officially released from 2018 - this model is the Senat Limousine.

DPRK: Press Statement from Kim Yo Jong – Thanking Russia for New Car! (16.3.2024)

Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, used the Russia-made private car sent by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation, as a gift on February 18 for the first time at an open event on Friday.

The special function of the private car is perfect and can be thoroughly trusted.

I am very pleased that the Supreme Leader of our Party and State uses the special private car sent by the Head of State of Russia as a gift.

Comrade Kim Jo Yomg - DPRK!

DPRK: Kim Jo Yong – Vice Department Director of Central Committee – Workers’ Party of Korea – Press Statement! (17.2.2024)

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida reportedly said at a recent meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives that he badly feels the need to boldly change the present situation prevailing between Japan and the DPRK. He also underlined the need to actively establish relations with the President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) – adding that he is now making sustained efforts to do so through different channels.

Family is the Esseence of Qi!

Year of the Green [Wood] Dragon Has Arrived! (10.2.2024)

It is time for Cards, red envelopes, coins, incense and banging the gong! The head of the household (me) – walks around the house banging a small gong over three-laps! The news is said to drive-out the old (stale) ‘Qi’ (Virtuous Energy) and welcome-in the ‘new’ energy – which in this year takes the form of a ‘green’ (wood) Dragon! As the Dragon is elusive, and given that I am embodying its Spirit at this precise moment – I do not appear in the photographs – and yet I am ‘everywhere’ throughout this ancient procedure!

PRC & Nauru

Nauru: First Xinhua Journalist Arrives to Welcome in New Era! (18.1.2024)

The first Chinese correspondent to enter the Pacific island nation after Nauru’s government announced that it had “severed diplomatic ties” with the Taiwan authorities and is willing to resume diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China.

Nauru’s government issued a statement on Monday, announcing that it recognizes the one-China principle, severed the so-called “diplomatic relations” with the Taiwan authorities, and is willing to resume diplomatic relations with China.

Xinhua News Agency hired a correspondent and set up a reporting office in Nauru on the same day.

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