Anti-Zionist Protests - US!

US: UC Irvine Academic Workers Join Strike Over Suppression of Pro-Palestinian Protests! (6.6.2024)

The union’s members voted last month to authorize a strike to protest the university’s controversial response to pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus, which they said has caused unsafe work conditions and violated their free speech rights.

The first UC campus that stood up and withheld labor was UC Santa Cruz where academic workers walked off the job on May 20. The walkout spread to UC Los Angeles and UC Davis on May 28, and further expanded to two more campuses, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara, on Monday.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been spreading at colleges and universities across the United States amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. Hundreds were arrested in crackdowns on pro-Palestinian protests and encampments on UC campuses across the state. Around 50 people were arrested on May 15 during police crackdown on a pro-Palestinian protest encampment at UC Irvine.

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Fascism!

Thousands of Columbia University Alumni Pledge to Withhold All Contributions to School Until Pro-Palestinian Student Demands Are Met!

“I sign because my Jewish values of inquiry, empathy and moral courage compel me to,” said an alumna of CC ’03 and CLS ’10 who grew up in both New York and Jerusalem. “These values were nurtured in Columbia classrooms, and I know other Columbia students share them. Until my university can conduct itself in accordance with those values internally, within its communities, and around the world, it does not deserve my esteem, much less contributions of my time, money or skills.”

The alumni letter follows the University’s unprecedented aggressive actions against pro-Palestine student protesters, including suspensions and expulsion processes with inadequate due process.

US: Biden Suppresses Widespread Anti-Israel Protests! (24.1.2024)

Meanwhile, South Africa (and other countries) has proven – at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – that the crimes committed by Zionist Israel are “Genocidal” in nature. Bizarrely, Germany (of all counytirs) has followed US dictates and attempted to defend and justify the murderous behaviour of the Zionists. Perhaps the killing of non-White Palestinians by White Israelis is really what all this is about – with a massive land grab being the inevitable result. Whatever the case, the University students of America are on the march and it is their dedication to the case of International Justice with must be supported and admired! The racist terror machine of the US and Israel can be beaten!

Galloway's Nazism

UK: Brand & Galloway “United” in National Socialism! (23.3.2024)

Both Russell Brand and George Galloway represent the political far-right. Both suffer from the same irony that each rose to prominence pretending to represent the left. It is not the ideology of the left that has changed – but rather the inner dynamics of both individuals. Galloway ignored the “Left Out of Europe” (Lexit) campaign – which clearly described the EU as being a post-1945 US-controlled and directed anti-Socialist entity. In this regard, Galloway followed the virtue signalling of the mainstream media which sought to falsely present the debate as being either that of supporting the status quo (assisting the destruction of Socialism by default) or voting for the far-right. Galloway sat with his fascist chum – Nigel Farage – and took part in anti-migrant rallies hosted by multimillionaires! Both Galloway and Brand reject the “Internationalism” of the left – conflating this with an enforced multiculturalism or cosmopolitanism – and instead shockingly resort to a type of blanket racism which they think is an alternative to the presence of “difference” within our communities.

Prof David Miller - Anti-Zionist!

UK: British Court Confirms “Anti-Zionism” is NOT “Anti-Semitism”! (7.2.2024)

Prof. David Miller was sacked from his Bristol University post due to the pressure of a local Zionist group during 2019. These fascists played the usual trick of conflating ‘anti-Zionism’ with ‘anti-Semitism! This British Court ruling confirms that every British citizen possesses the ‘right’ in law to hold (or not hold) anti-Zionist viewpoints (which have been a legitimate part of anti-fascist campaigning for decades). I suspect the Interim Ruling of the International Court of Justice – which has indicated Israel is committing ‘Genocide’ in Palestine – has had a certain judicial influence on this verdict!

Sudanese Communist Party 2024

Lebanese Communist Party Protests Arrest of Journalist – Comrade Haitham Dafallah [هيثم دفععي] – in Solidarity with the Sudanese Communist Party! (21.1.2024)

The struggle for power and influence between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces, and their complex and suspicious external extensions, has led to the outbreak of bloody civil conflicts, the outcome of which is felt every day by large segments of the Sudanese people, especially amongst the (left-leaning) Progressive and National Forces. The recent outbreak of internal fighting has led to the killing, wounding and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese people – with news of attacks on the National Forces, their Headquarters and Media by those groups directly involved in the conflict.

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