US & Israel Kill President!

Iran: President Ibrahim Raisi & Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian – Killed in Helicopter Crash! (20.5.2024)

Iranian investigators have already begun to determine the true cause of the tragedy. Among the versions being considered is a terrorist attack. Earlier, Washington and Tel Aviv threatened Iran with a response to a “retaliatory attack” on Israel in mid-April. Then the Islamic Republic used missiles and drones against Israel in response to its shelling of the Iranian Consulate General in Syria, which claimed the lives of several high-ranking IRGC Military Personnel, including two Generals.

Zionist Criminality Successfully Opposed!

China-Iran – Foreign Ministers Hold Telephone Talks on Israel-Iran Tensions! (16.4.2024)

Wang said that the current situation is a spillover effect of the escalating conflict in Gaza. The pressing task now is to implement Security Council Resolution 2728 as soon as possible, achieve a ceasefire and end the fighting in Gaza, effectively protect civilians and prevent further aggravation of the humanitarian disaster, he said.

China is willing to maintain communication with the Iranian side and jointly push for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue, Wang said.

China and Iran are comprehensive strategic partners, and China is willing to steadily advance practical cooperation with Iran in various fields for a greater development of bilateral relations, Wang said.