IDF Murder Press!

UN: Zionist Aggression Murders “122” Journalists Since Start of Al-Aqsa Flood! (1.2.2024)

“We have received disturbing reports that despite being clearly identifiable in jackets and helmets marked “press” or traveling in well-marked press vehicles, journalists have come under attack, which would seem to indicate that the killings, injury, and detention are a deliberate strategy by Israeli forces to obstruct the media and silence critical reporting,” the UN experts said.

 “Journalists are entitled to protection as civilians under international humanitarian law. Targeted attacks and killings of journalists are war crimes,” the experts warned.

The UN experts urged the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to give particular attention to the dangerous pattern of attacks and impunity for crimes against journalists, which has intensified since October 7. “Targeting and killing of journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory must stop,” they said.

Good Bye Rachel Corrie!

The Day the Zionists “Murdered” Rachel Corrie! (31.1.2024)

The Zionist IDF refused to acknowledge he murder – stating that Corrie’s death was an ‘accident’ – but ISM eyewitnesses dispute this account, contending that the bulldozer driver deliberately aimed his vehicle at Corrie and deliberately ‘crushed’ – as she was protesting in plain view. Despite numerous legal actions taken against the Zionist entity – the corrupt Israeli State refused to hold the IDF responsible for Rachel Corrie’s murder – implying that this is what will happen to anyone who ‘interferes’ in Zionist activities in Palestine! I was forwarded these pictures by someone who was present during the IDF murder of Rachel Corrie.

UNRWA Do Not Bend to Zionism!

PFLP Statement: issued by the Department of Refugee Affairs & Right of Return – Condemning Measures Taken Against UNRWA Employees in Gaza! (31.1.2024)

These measures came as a result of American and Zionist pressure in retaliation for the position of the United Nations, in the person of Secretary-General Guterres and UNRWA, and the results reached by the International Court of Justice with its binding decisions and procedures regarding genocide. The suspension of funding by approximately 15 European countries is a real contribution to the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Zionists Sell Gazan Gas to EU!

Palestine: Zionists Happy to Illegally “Sell” Gazan Gas Rights [Post-October 7th] to Europeans! (29.1.2024)

Israel has awarded 12 licences to six companies for the purpose of exploring natural gas off its Mediterranean coast, in an apparent bid to diversify the country’s energy suppliers and nurture more competition as Tel Aviv aims to become an energy hub to export gas to Europe.

The licences were given to the likes of the Italian company Eni (ENI.MI), the Korean subsidiary Dana Petroleum, the United Kingdom’s British Petroleum (BP), as well as Israel’s Ratio Energies (RATIp.TA), which will explore an area west of the Leviathan field, the site which both supplies Israel with gas and provides exports.

According to Israel’s Energy Minister, Israel Katz, on Sunday: “The winning companies have committed to unprecedented investment in natural gas exploration over the next three years, which would hopefully result in the discovery of new natural gas reservoirs.”

Israeli Genocide in Palestine

Palestine: South African Foreign Minister Commends ICJ Ruling – Confirming “Israeli Genocide”! (26.1.2024)

She clarified that South Africa submitted a request to the ICJ under the Genocide Convention, an agreement ratified by both Israel and South Africa. The judges called on Israel to take necessary measures to protect civilians and halt the destruction. The implementation of ICJ orders cannot occur without a ceasefire.

Pandor emphasized that a ceasefire is a fundamental condition for implementing the ICJ decision. “Israel cannot continue its crimes against Palestinian civilians without consequences,” she said.

Reading the court’s decision carefully, Pandor highlighted that these are direct orders and precautionary measures to prevent genocide. She stated, “We are not determining the essence of the accusation and the intention of genocide today, but we are dealing with the orders. This decision, due to the commission of genocide, will compel states that supported Israel to hold Israel accountable under international law.”

Hamas Hero!

PFLP: [Racist] EU Decisions Fully Supportive of Zionist War of Extermination! (20.1.2024)

The PFLP considered that the European Union’s decisions to impose sanctions on the Hamas Movement – and the struggling leader (and brother) – Yahya Sinwar – represent another expression of this complete bias towards the Zionist Occupation side, stressing that such decisions will not affect the support of the Resistance Movements or weaken the determination to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people – and their right to exercise all forms of Resistance against the Occupation.

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