Iran Opposes Israeli & US War Crimes!

Iran: Quds Day Mass Rallies Denounce Israeli War Crimes – Support Palestinians! (6.4.2024)

The IRGC chief commander cautioned that Israel would face consequences for its “conspiracies” in the region, emphasizing that Israel must realize that by creating insecurity, it cannot guarantee its own safety.

In response to the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate, he said Iran would not leave any hostile actions unanswered, noting that “our brave men will punish Israel.”

Protestors issued a statement at the end of the rallies, saying Israel’s “desperate” moves “will definitely receive a tough and regret-inducing response” from Iran, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

Israeli Fascism Has Destroyed Palestine!

UN Human Rights Council: Israeli War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity Condemned! (6.4.2024)

The resolution also calls on states to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel.

Friday’s proposal, which was brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of all Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states except Albania, also called for “an immediate ceasefire” and “for immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance”.

The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Ibrahim Khraishi, expressed approval of the vote but also voiced dissatisfaction with the lack of support from certain Western countries.

Meirav Eilon Shahar, Israel’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, condemned the resolution as a stain on the Human Rights Council and the UN as a whole.

Israeli Zionism Will Not Win!

Marwan Abdel-Al: The World was Once Unable to Accept Nazism – But the World Now Accepts the Birth of a New Nazism? (27.2.2024)

There is something that was prepared in advance regarding the Saudi-Israeli intersection on the issue of normalization, as this issue was a life-or-death battle for the Israeli enemy and the Americans. The battle is broader than the Gaza Strip and will not end within the Gaza borders. It is not our battle alone. ‘Israel’ was preparing and conducting manoeuvres to fight on the basis of many theatres and more than one front and placed all its capabilities in the service of perpetuating a battle on several fronts. The Zionists were forced to stop their aggression without achieving its goals, this practically means a victory for the Resistance. We do not favour the two-State solution and consider everything that was said to be empty talk.”

Unity in Resistance!

Lebanon: PFLP Meets with Hezbollah to Discuss Ongoing Israeli Genocide in Gaza! (17.2.2024)

1- The Palestinian situation at home and the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, especially the terrorism practiced by the enemy on the city of Rafah. Palestinian National Unity was stressed together with the role of the Resistance in confronting the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem – whilst confronting the illegal Settlement and Displacement Projects that aim to liquidate the Palestinian people (Israeli inflicted ‘Genocide’) – with the Zionist removal of the Holy City of Jerusalem as their capital.

2 – The two sides condemned the Zionist aggression against Gaza, the West Bank and Southern Lebanon, and the accompanying Arab and International ‘Silence’ regarding the IDF-induced massacres, killing and terrorism taking place against the Palestinian people, whilst praising the role of the Resistance in confronting the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese people – sending greetings to all the free people of the world acting in Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

3 – Strengthening unity among all Resistance factions, emphasizing the centrality of the confrontation in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood – and Resisting the Zionist enemy which, through its racism – practices a ‘War of Extermination’ whilst Committing Crimes Against Humanity!

PFLP & Fatah Solidarity!

Lebanon: PFLP & Fatah Hold Solidarity Meeting! (7.2.2024)

During the meeting, the bilateral relationship, ways of cooperation and coordination, and strengthening the joint framework of action between all Palestinian National Action Factions and the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization were reviewed, confirming that the Organization is the unifying framework for all factions, strengthening its role, and activating its political frameworks and Trade Union Federations.

The two sides praised the struggle and sacrifices of the Palestinian people and their Resistance in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem, and stressed the role of UNRWA and its preservation as it is the true witness to the tragedy of our Palestinian people. They called on donor countries not to submit to Zionist dictates and stop funding UNRWA, and they appealed to supporting countries to increase their funding for UNRWA.

Zionist Murder of British

Kill Chain: US & Israeli (Hisul Memukad) Barbarism – Murder Disguised as “Foreign Policy”! (5.2.2024)

Land that is free today will be ‘sold’ and ‘rented’ tomorrow so as to generate a substantial profit. Meanwhile, those whose ancestors settled their lands thousands of year ago are murdered, raped, maimed and enslaved – as their bodies become yet another form of fuel for the predatory capitalist system! The Zionist terrorists who murdered British and Palestinian people – did not suffer in the European Holocaust against the Jews, Disabled, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Dissidents, Race-Mixers and Communists! Indeed, in the early years of Hitler’s power – the Zionists in Palestine had very good relations with Nazi Germany!

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