UN Supports US and Zionists!

Palestine: UN Report Biased Toward US-Zionist Criminality! (22.6.2024)

Some of what was included in the report is consistent with the lies of the occupation, equates the victim with the executioner, and is consistent with the allegations that the resistance committed violations on October 7th, 2023 which were proven false by the admission of international newspapers, international organizations, and even by voices from within the entity.

The committee based its report and positions on what happened on October 7th, even though the essence of the crisis did not begin on this date, but rather the crisis has been continuing for 76 years. The report also forgot the root causes of the conflict, and ignored the legitimacy of our people’s resistance to the occupation in various forms, and that the October 7th Operation It was a natural episode of our people’s legitimate resistance against the occupation.

Diplomacy Assists Palestine!

Palestine and Barbados Sign Joint Declaration Establishing Diplomatic Relations! (12.6.2024)

The two parties decided that diplomatic relations between the two countries would be based on international law, particularly respecting and enhancing global peace and security and the principles of equality among states, as well as respecting national sovereignty, regional safety, independence and international treaties.

The two sides also signed a memorandum addressing the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, to officially inform him of the signing of this joint declaration, requesting its distribution to other diplomatic missions.

A high-level delegation from Barbados attended the signing of the joint declaration, represented by Member of Parliament, Edmund Hinksona, and diplomats at the Permanent Barbados Mission.

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Fascism!

PFLP: Rafah – Zionist “Graveyard” – As Many “Surprises” Await! (7.5.2024)

The PFLP hold the American Administration and the International Community fully responsible for the upcoming Zionist War Crimes (and Crimes Against Humanity) that civilians and displaced people will be exposed to. Especially since the American Administration is aware of the Occupation’s Plans for Rafah, and there is coordination at the highest levels between the two Parties in managing the process.

Zionist Nazism Rejected By Colombia!

Colombia Breaks Diplomatic Links, US Students Protest and UN Investigates Isreali “Genocide” in Gaza! (2.5.2024)

Speaking to a crowd in the capital Bogota, the Colombian president referred to the Israeli government as “genocidal.”

“The era of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people before our eyes, before our humanity, cannot return,” said Petro, adding that if Palestine dies, humanity dies.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz denounced Colombia’s decision. “Relations between Israel and Colombia have always been warm, and no antisemitic and hate-filled president can change that,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.

The Colombian president has expressed his intention to cut off diplomatic ties with Israel on several occasions since the UN Security Council adopted in March a resolution on ceasefire in Gaza.

Colombia recalled its ambassador to Israel in October, a few days after Israel launched military operations in densely-populated areas in Gaza in response to Hamas attack.

US Students Protests Israeli Genocide!

Palestinian Universities: “Solidarity Letter” – Sent to Students & Faculty in US Gaza Academic Institutions Encampments! (30.4.2024)

The situation in Palestine has reached increased genocidal levels, marked by the mass targeting of Palestinian life by killing and displacement; the destruction of social, cultural, and all educational institutions; and the aim to reduce Palestinians to bare life with no political and collective future, added the letter.

“You are leaders in the call for justice with your bodies on your university campuses and in the streets, speaking truth and justice loud and clear. You stand for the courage that is needed to take action strongly for justice and freedom and determinedly against systems of genocide and racism.”

“We know the risks you are taking in the face of the repressive measures that are taken against university spaces built on challenging the powers benefitting from silence.” Added the letter.

Israel is a War Criminal!

Lebanon: PFLP Condemns Israeli War Crmes Against Gazan prisoners! (6.4.2024)

The PFLP called on the Free People of the World and relevant Human Rights institutions to take urgent action to pressure the Zionist Occupation, to find out the fate of missing prisoners, and to send an urgent International Mission to investigate Zionist War Crimes against the prisoners and the conditions of their detention – referring Zionist Israel to the International Criminal Court. This includes the requirement of exposing the complicit Western positions that have ignored the fate of the detained prisoners. The West has ignored Zionist War Crimes and insisted in the committing of Zionist Crimes Against Humanity.

The PFLP concluded its statement, stressing that the Zionist crimes against the heroic prisoners will not be subject to a statute of limitations, and the Resistance will not rest until the suffering of the prisoners is ended and they are liberated from the Occupation Prisons!

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