Workers' Party of Korea Loves the People!

DPRK: Grandmother Chae Sun Nam [채순남] Reaches 100-Years Old! (14.5.2024)

Chae expressed deep thanks to Kim Jong Un after receiving the birthday spread amid the congratulations of officials of the Wiwon County Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, family members, relatives and villagers.

She underwent the sorrow of a stateless nation before the liberation of Korea. She came to enjoy a happy life under the care of the Party which built a genuine people’s country and has pursued the politics of love for the people.

She worked hard by cultivating land with a single mind to repay the Party’s benevolence with increased grain production and had done good things for the country even after becoming a pensioner.

Saying that she is spending the rest of her life in good health under the people-oriented policies of the Party and the state, she asked her descendants to do more work for the country. (End)

Liberating Waverley Abbey! 2024

Meditating & Meandering Through the Beautiful Ruins of Waverley Abbey! (11.5.2024)

This was a place where a group of Cistercian monastics (following the Rule of St Benedict) – also known as “Trappist” monks – spent years in silent contemplation of the Bible and their inner minds. The lifestyle of such a monk is designed to “still” the mind and empty the interior of all desire. Only when the mind and body of the monk is “empty” might God grant “grace” and make himself known – but he might not. Either way, once the monk is empty of all desire – the love of Jesus Christ can shrine view. The monk possesses no opinion and so the cycle of each da peacefully unfolds.

Judah Offers a Young Goat for Sex with His Daughter in Law!

Genesis: The “Old Testament” Story of Judah and Tamar – the First Porn Script? (13.4.2024)

This is not the “sterilised” sexuality found throughout general discourse today, but a clear expression of the patriarchal domination of women and girls. The different tribes that believed themselves to be racially and spiritually superior to one another – and everyone else – led to the brutal sexual exploitation of women and girls. Not only this, but the female victims are portrayed as being complicit in their own abuse – agreeing with what these men are thinking – and actively participating in their own rape and manipulation. The Soviet System advocates the objective and detached study of religion so that is degenerate spell over humanity is broken and logic and reason is used to place these superstitious tales into their proper and correct place in history. These texts are nothing special – but they are historically interesting with regards to the evolution of human understanding.

Ethiopian Bible

Old Testament (Torah): Origin of the Moabites & Ammonites – Yet Another Tale of Biblical Incest! (8.4.2024)

This practice of humility has survived down through the ages in the traditions of Christian monasticism which exist within Roman Catholicism and the various Orthodox lineages (all practicing celibacy and rejecting any form of sexual contact). Christianity as we know it today dates from around 350 CE and the fixing of the received Bible. This process built on the fixing of the Jewish Bible which occurred in 100 CE – both activities rejected many Testaments and Gospels for political and theological reasons. Fortunately, many of these texts were discovered in the immediate post-WWII period in the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls (Palestine) finds – representing the Old Testament – and the Nag Hamidi Library (Egypt) – clarifying the New Testament. Not all of these texts had been missing – with some being known from other sources – and surreptitiously passed-on behind the scenes as it were.

Inside the Castle!

Torbay: Berry Pomeroy Castle – Tudor Ruins! (2.4.2024)

During the 1500s, Elizabeth I was an absolute monarch (as was her father – King Henry VIII) – who preferred to live in and around the Nonsuch Park area – including Hampton Court Palace (which is no longer used by the royal family). However, there was once a “Nonsuch Palace” which does not exist today. After Elizabeth I died (1603 CE) – many of the castles she frequented were no long favoured by the royal family – leading to these buildings falling into neglect and ruin. This was the case with Nonsuch Palace which was so badly dilapidate that what was left of it had to be demolished in 1683 CE – for safety reasons – with the ruins being recycled into the constructon (or maintenance) of local buildings.

Valentine’s Day – Cards & Gifts! (14.2.2024)

Recording the designated event – which possesses whatever relevance we choose to import into it. Time to express the underlying affection that gels families together. Within traditional Chinese culture, Celtic Tribal culture and indeed Scientific Socialism, the ‘family’ has primacy over the individualism – the complete opposite to the exploitative ideology that underpins the terrible and horrific ideology of predatory capitalism, anarchy, fascism and Trotskyism! Individuality emerges from a caring family and a caring State! The working-class works for itself and should keep the fruits of its labour for the general development and benefit of society!

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