Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

Russia: US Provided Assistance to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Before “Ban” was Lifted! (23.6.2024)

The idea of this formation (and other Neo-Nazi Units) was to ideologically spear-head a NATO (military) thrust into East Ukraine and West Russia. The Militias of the People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk held-off the Western-backed military attack on the ethnic Russian enclave of Donbass – until the Russian Army came to their aid during early 2022. Russia is still fighting Hitlerism on our behalf and we – the working class – must remain grateful for this new sacrifice! As usual the US is lying. It may be that “officially” America started openly supporting the Azov Hitlerites during 2022 – but the support originates further back in time before that date. I know that ethnic Ukrainians were participating in military training on Salisbury Plain routinely between 2014-2022 and beyond. Around 8 million Ukrainians have spread throughout Western Europe and I believe this has led to a general lurch to the political far-right in elections.