Shine a Light on Me!

The Hermetica and Human Imagination! (3.6.2024)

In the Egyptian Hermetica, for instance, the god Toth (often through the commentary of Hermes) equates thinking about distant places (by imagining different physical environs in the mind) was exactly the same in principle as the individual travelling to these destinations – despite nothing physically taking place. Imagining structures in the mind, for Toth, was tantamount to creating something from nothing (every creationist story), and achieving movement without going anywhere. All theistic and psychedelic traditions make ample use of the ability to “imagine” – whilst the argument continues to as the proper relationship of the imagination to the physical world.

Communist Party of Lebanon!

Communist Party of Lebanon Calls for Expulsion of US Ambassador! (31.5.2024)

What the enemy is committing against the Palestinian people today is a crime against humanity, despite the decisions of the International Court and the International Criminal Court exposing these fascist crimes. The enemy’s persistence in its massacres would not have happened without the open support of the United States of America and some Atlantic countries! The latest chapter of this nightmare is the imposition of sanctions applied against the International Criminal Court, in an unprecedented move, accompanied by statements by American officials regarding the function of this court, which was established (according to the US) not to punish Zionist enemy for its war crimes – but rather to punish those popular forces which dare to strive for liberation whilst opposing the Zionist (fascist) hegemony!

Museum Artefacts in St Albans!

St Albans: Verulamium Museum! (29.5.2024)

Of course, Roman rule was collapsing by the time (in the 4th century) that Christianity was becoming popular throughout the Roman Empire. Some wealthy Romans tolerated Christianity prior to this date (perhaps 3rd century) as being just one of many choices of belief from across their Empire – as the Roman Authorities were not yet exclusively “Christian”. This is why Celtic Christianity was probably from Egypt and premised upon the monasticism of the Desert Fathers – having little directly to do with Rome. The Catholic Church did not arrive as a State power in England until the Norman Conquest of 1066 (isolated Catholic Churches and monasteries had arrived in England prior to this date – but possessed no political influence or power with England’s Celtic Chiefs or Anglo-Saxon Kings). In just one-hundred years of its arrival in 1066 – this new and aggressive type of intolerant Christianity had wiped-out its Celtic cousin by the 12th century.

Long Live the 1381 Peasants' Revolt!

St Albans Abbey: Main-Gate! (28.5.2024)

During 1381 – England came within a hair’s breadth of becoming a People’s Republic! This great effort led by Wat Tyler was eventually defeated through the duplicity of the ruling classes – but its example echoes down through history! The beginnings of this gate stem from the 11th century and the consolidation of the Norman Conquest. This was when Roman Catholicism landed in England as part of the ruling government structure. Prior to this, Celtic Christianity (probably from Egypt) held sway in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. What Catholic presence there was prior to 1066 CE was piece-meal and generally lacked any real political power or influence. The differwence between these two forms of Christianity is that although both possessed a monastic tradition – the Celtic version saw the monastery (not the Church) as the centre of society. Furthermore, the Celtic version possessed a tolerant attitude toward non-Christian beliefs – a position rejected by the Catholic variant. With the coming of the politically empowered Catholic Church – Celtic Christianity was all but wiped-out by the 12th century.

Zionist Genocide in Rafah!

Rafah: Egypt Confirms Israeii-Initiated “Genocide”! (15.5.2024)

Shoukry stressed that the Israeli control over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, Israeli military operations in the vicinity of the crossing, and exposure of the lives of relief workers and truck drivers to imminent dangers are the main reasons for the inability to bring in aid from the crossing.

He also denounced the desperate attempts of the Israeli side to hold Egypt responsible for the unprecedented humanitarian crisis facing the Gaza Strip, affirming that it is a direct result of the indiscriminate Israeli attacks against the Palestinians for more than seven months which so far resulted in the killing of more than 35,000 citizens, mostly women and children.

He demanded Israel assume its legal responsibilities as the occupying power, by allowing aid to enter through the land ports under its control.

Israelis Call for Ceasefire!

Palestine: Hamas Trusts Xinhua with Ceasefire Demands! (27.4.2024)

The statement urged the international community to expose the genocide targeting children and civilians in Gaza, prioritize ending it, and resist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s destabilizing policies aimed at the region, driven by personal political motives.

Eighteen countries issued a joint statement on Thursday, calling on Hamas to “immediately release” the hostages it holds, stating that doing so “will lead to an immediate and long-term ceasefire in Gaza.”

Referring to nations with citizens held captive by Hamas since the attack on Israel last year, these countries stated that releasing the hostages “will facilitate additional humanitarian aid to all parts of Gaza and bring about a lasting cessation of hostilities.”

The statement explained that, in addition, residents in Gaza “will be able to return to their homes and lands with prior arrangements to ensure shelter and humanitarian assistance.”

The statement added, “Let us end this crisis so that we can all focus our efforts on bringing peace and stability to the region.”

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