Dr Who - Popular in China!

UK: Far-Right Votes for the Ideal “Dr Who”! (16.6.2024)

I do not particularly like the current incarnation of Dr Who – but this is because of the style of the writing – which seeks to make the non-human Doctor far more “human”. Why? The Doctor is NOT human – he is a Time Lord from the Planet Gallifrey. Theoretically, the Doctor could manifest as any being (I have often thought of a Chinese man or woman surnamed “Hu” [虎] – or “Tiger”) and does not have to appear in a body most humans find comfortable or familiar. Furthermore, some of the episodes have been very good – whilst others have not been so – in my opinion. I think every season of any programme is like this – as not everyone can be pleased all the time. I detest fascism, racism, bigotry, discrimination and prejudice in any form. YouTube, which pumps US anti-intellectualism into the brains of our British children – is a cesspit for fascist reaction – which follows a deliberate policy of punishing any Black or Asian opposition to the “White” dominant (and “straight”) viewpoints the platform encourages and allows (primarily through advertising). People with Disabilities do not stand a chance in such a hellish environment.

Spanish People Support Israel!

UK: Matt Lucas – Zionist Belief and the “Racist” Content of “Little Britain”! (9.6.2024)

Matt Lucas was forced to apologise for “Blacking-Up” in Rock Profile, Little Britain and the odious Come Fly with Me – following the murder of George Floyd by a US Police Officer in 2020 – and the worldwide protests this racially motivated incident unleashed. This happened after he had just published a self-serving biography “DENYING” his actions or motivations were “RACIST”! In 1975, the UN passed a Resolution declaring that “ZIONISM” is a form of White Supremacy practiced by White, middle-class, secular Jews – with the actions and opinions of Matt Lucas certainly confirming this declaration. People like Matt Lucas make money out of us – the Workers. Do not give Matt Lucas – or the likes of Sting, Stephen Fry, Bradley Cooper, Chris Rock, Rita Ora, Taika Waiti, Paul Rudd, Olivia Wilde, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Bella Thorne, Jimmy Carr, Matt Lucas, Zoe Saldana, Will Ferrell, Seth Meyers, Lana Del Ray, Julia Fox, Jordan Peele, David Schwimmer, Adam Levine and Anthony Russo, etc, your money or your time.

Vladimir Mayakovsky - Beautiful Soviet Poet!

US: Council of Geeks – Dialectically Interesting! (4.6.2024)

As a Communist Futurist (very much in the mould of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky) – I view the development of endlessly progressing surgery performed upon the human body – to be of the maximum importance. Why? It is self-evident. Whilst alive we inhabit a body which has the capacity to be injured, to get ill and develop all kinds of terrible and awful maladies. In the end – we all die – and in death we are equal. Surely, if we understand that this biological machine has a tendency to become damaged – is it not incumbent upon each and every one of us to progress human thought in the direct of rebuilding, reconstructing and repairing the human body? That is – to fully penetrate the mysteries of the human body cells – and work-out how it operates and how these evolutionary processes can be reversed engineered and perhaps even improved upon.

Dr Who - 1963

The Beatles: “I Nearly Died!” – the Trials and Tribulations of Ncuti Gatwa! (13.5.2024)

North Korea has done nothing and yet the US militarily terrorises its borders (and passes fallacious “Sanctions” at the UN) – whilst the same US provides Zionist Israel with the weapons it requires to commit genocide in Palestine! Part of the infiltration and invasion of our country (Britain) has been facilitated by the internet. US anti-intellectual has caused a world-wide wave of racist disinformation that has deliberately painted Russia as the enemy – the country that won WWII for us! The last thing we should be doing is “selling” our beloved “Dr Who” to these malignant morons! We need to free our country from ALL American influence! More people like Ncuti Gatwa and less people like White Americans!

Fighting Out "isms"!

Dr Who: Camouflage for US Anti-Intellectualism Destroying British Socialism! (12.5.2024)

If British Socialism was both preserved and functional – I wound not care who plays Dr Who or what madness any team of script-writers can come up with. Perhaps genuine creative madness gave the world the Daleks, Cybermen and the Time Lords, etc, but it is failing today – not because the right-wing is right – but because the right-wing is winning. The right-wing is winning because the Bourgeoisie is right-wing. A divisive Dr Who is merely camouflage for the destruction of all versions of European Socialism by the relentless spread and domination of US (capitalist-driven) culture. The Bourgeoisie is a past-master at “stealing” behind the scenes what it appears to be “giving” on the surface. Finally, Ncuti Gatwa, the new Dr Who, bizarrely made a comment in a recent interview – where he used a right-wing trope claiming everything “trickles-down” from the top – a fascist ideology proven “wrong” time and time again!

Book Review: The ‘Time’ Machine or the ‘Space’ Machine? Christopher Priest Takes the Easy Road!

One is left with the distinct impression that Priest truly believes that if his version HG Wells classics were published in the 1880s – well-bred young men would be masturbating everytime there is mention of Amelia’s exposed ankles- to the back drop of a Martian invasion of Earth and nutty Professors who have convinced themselves that their ‘Time’ machine (which is only secondarily a ‘Space’ machine) is ‘not quite there’ whilst it l supposedly lays shimmering in and out of material existence whilst inhabiting a study in Richmond! Those motoring goggles may well come in handy yet – and not necessarily for motor driving! As Priest penned this tome in 1976 – he was probably influenced by the highly successful British science fiction series of ‘Dr Who’ (that also possessed an advanced machine – the ‘TARDIS’ – which funnily enough could also travel in both ‘time’ and ‘space’) and was reaching its creative peak with the actor – Tom Baker – at the helm! More to the point, the ‘love’ scenes, if we can call them that, seem as if the author quickly threw the two Wells novels together, and then realised his caper was up if he did not attempt to go back and at certain random points in the story literally ‘insert’ obviously ‘out of place’ amorous interactions to act as a type Pythonesque ‘camouflage’ – in the hope that the distraction will draw the attention of the audience away from the fact that the book contains ‘zero’ originality and no genuine labour on his part! If anyone does happen to invent a genuine time machine, perhaps the top of any list might be the necessity to go back to 1976 and hide all the pens in the Priest household – and thus save humanity from a genuine catastrophe!

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