All 56 Ethnicities in China Are "Equal" in Law!

China: Socialist “Internationalism” Triumphs! (17.6.2024)

In an article by Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, that was published in January in Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee, he said that forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to guide people of all ethnic groups to uphold the vision of a community with a shared future by standing together through thick and thin.

“Ethnicity is the concept in terms of language and culture, and the Chinese nation is the political entity that all Chinese people belong to, no matter which ethnic group they are from,” Pan said.

By enhanced extensive exchanges and interactions during the past 10 years, people from different ethnic groups in China have learned more about one another and become more united, which has brought stability and prosperity to the country, he added.

China's Socialist Technology Triumphs!

Socialist China: Humanity’s First Photographs of Moon’s Dark-Side! (4.6.2024)

Apollo 11, for instance, possessed a computer similar to that which operates most ordinary washing machines (the washing machine is believed to have positively altered human society to a far greater extent than the internet). The internet started as a US attempt to use telephone technology as a “spying” device in every room of the world. The idea was to develop a unifying computer technology which linked all telephones together so that they become, whether in use or not as an analogue communication device, a transmitter of all noise operating around or within the local vacinity (a function unknown to the owner) – broadcasting all this data to a Central Listening Headquarters in the US. A similar situation exists today – with all your emails, posts and other written sources of data uploaded onto the internet. All is observed, recorded and filed away by your National Governments – which report to the US.

Hong Kong Rioters - Sutton United!

How Sutton United Assists the [Illegitimate] Hong Kong Rioters! (5.5.2024)

To legitimise these “Golden Visas” – all these Hong Kong criminals have to do is claim that they are facing “Persecution” as “Christians” from the Communist Party of China! Obviously, as the Constitution of China guarantees “Religious Freedom” – there is NO persecution of Christians or Christianity. However, there is another, more fundamental problem, none of these people are actually “Christian” – and so do not know how to fill-out the Immigration Papers claiming “Persecution”! This is where entities such as Sutton United come into play. They deceptively rent-out their ground to hold “Mass Conversion” ceremonies every Sunday morning. This involves Christian Ministers explaining to their Chinese audience (in Cantonese) what Christianity “IS” – and how they should “Explain” how they are being “Persecuted”!

China's Youth Surges Forward!

China: Young Communist League – 74.8 Million Members! (3.5.2024)

The CYLC had nearly 4.32 million organizations across China by the end of 2023, according to statistics released by the CYLC Central Committee.

There were roughly 1.91 million CYLC organizations at schools, colleges and universities last year, with around 38.25 million members, the data showed.

The remaining CYLC organizations were linked to enterprises, public institutions, urban and rural communities, social organizations and other fields.

Socialist Friendship Beats Capitalist Aggression!

DPRK: Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Chinese Party and Government Delegation! (25.4.2024)

On the same day Kim Jong Un hosted a luncheon for the party and government delegation of the PRC.

Present there were Jo Yong Won, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Ri Il Hwan, secretary of the C.C., WPK, Choe Son Hui, minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Song Nam, department director of the C.C., WPK, and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

At the luncheon, Kim Jong Un proposed a toast to the eternal development of socialism in the two countries, longevity and good health of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the successful DPRK visit of the party and government delegation of the PRC led by Zhao Leji.

Kim Jong Un had pleasant chats with Zhao Leji and other members of the delegation in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, further deepening friendship.

The luncheon proceeded in a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

Bigoted Galloway - Mosque - 2024

Newcastle Central Mosque – George Galloway Bowls a Chinaman! (20.4.2024)

Imagine a Scotsman (a reverted Muslim), who has a Dutch wife (30-years his junior), and Dutch children – holding elected Office in the British (Westminster) Parliament! What is that I hear you say? We already possess such an individual? Well, imagine, as George Galloway and his cronies obviously do – that a “Chinaman” no less – might be at the head of company that supplies electricity to an area of the UK! The irony is that Galloway is often seen in Beijing on Press Junkets – spouting (pro-capitalist) stereotypical nonsense about “Black” and “White” cats catching mice (misquoting Deng Xiaoping) to polite applause from an ethnic Chinese audience that thinks this one British politician is attempting to understand modern China. After I make the above clip available to members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) – Galloway’s anti-China racism will put an end to his paid-flights and luxury hotels.

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