How the BBC “Reckoned” with Jimmy Saville! (27.10.2023)

The BBC enabled and facilitated the crimes of Jimmy Saville and when his victims voiced their pain, suffering and anguish, the BBC was at the forefront of supressing these witnesses. The message of the BBC was that the Bourgeois is in control of this society – and that the BBC supports that self-declared role. The ordinary people – those who were the victims of Jimmy Saville – were portrayed by the BBC as powerless and existing only to serve as play-things for the Bourgeoisie. When Jimmy Saville died in 2011 – the BBC deliberately ‘celebrated’ his life and ignored the reality of his offending. Today, some 12-years after his death, the BBC is attempting to absolve its own reputation by creating the false narrative that the BBC was just as much a victim of Jimmy Saville as everyone else. Jimmy Saville and the BBC represent exactly the same reality.

China: Red Notice “Fugitive” Returns To Face Music! (13.6.2023)

The anti-corruption authority pledges to further enhance international cooperation in combating corruption, uphold the principle of pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen assets, and maintain an unwavering stance of high pressure in relentless pursuit of fugitives and the recovery of illicit assets until the very end.

The authority advises the fugitives to abandon any illusions, emphasizing that voluntarily returning to their home country and turning themselves in is the only way out.