Gee & Me - St Albans Abbey - 2024

St Albans Abbey: Interior & Enclosures! (29.5.2024)

Abbot, Abbesses and other Head Monastics were offered a life-long pension from the Crown amounting to 1% of the annual income of the monastery being dissolved. As St Albans made around £1000 per year – the Abbot received a guaranteed £10 per year – a very substantial amount for the time. The idea was to purchase their compliance. Those who resisted were tried for Treason and publicly executed. Henry gave away monastic property to his favourites – or sold it at a cut-price to other interested parties. All the accumulated gold, silver, copper, led and bronze, as well as gemstones – were sold into the public domain and effectively laid the foundation for a modern capitalist economy. This freeing of monastic treasure into the public domain represented a massive injection of wealth into the English economy – stimulating buying, selling and market speculation. When the movable wealth ran-out – the brick-work and foundations of many monasteries were dismantled and used to reinforce Henry’s castles along the coast – or in the case of Merton Abbey – to build Nonsuch Palace in Surrey! Whereas the monks were opposed to greed and grasping – a new secular society emphasised the exact opposite to get on. Now, greed, lying and cheating guaranteed the personal accumulation of wealth that could purchase a place to live, schooling, food, travel and leisure, etc. Of course, supporting Henry often guaranteed social climbing. Modern capitalism was invented in England by Henry VIII.

Eurocentric Woo-Woo and the Inverted Mythology Industry! (17.10.2023)

New Dawn then had a ‘White’ (Australian) supposed UFO expert contact me – a person who usually spouts the most outrageous nonsense to make a living – stating that I was ‘misleading’ the readership by suggesting that the Dropa Stones story was real! This is the kind of manipulative nonsense the Bourgeois publishing industry participates in nearly all the time! To circumnavigate this madness – I uploaded the published article (free) online – together with my original full-length article so that it can be read in its original context. Nowadays, of course, I have very little to do with the likes of New Dawn or Fortean Times – as I find the ‘White’, Eurocentric racism that permeates these magazines to be unpalatable – particularly coming from a Western cultures that where living in caves when most of the world was constructing vast and advanced civilisations! Ironically, without finding any extra-terrestrial stone artefacts!

Mexico: Are Aliens Illegal? (15.9.2023)

Instead of ‘Take Me To Your Leader!’ – it is more apt to suggest ‘Take Me To Your Dealer!’ – such is the blurring of the line that usually separates fact from fiction. It would seem that the US anti-intellectualism that believes (literally) in life on other planets has spread to Mexico and as taken on ‘Catholic’ proportions of stupidity and ‘faith’ without ‘evidence’! In the meantime, whilst the US continues to ‘smart’ over the just under 3000 people who died when the Twin Towers were struck in 2001 – a US academic report states that since 1945, the US military has killed between 20-30 million people around the globe enforcing its system of predatory capitalism! If we are talking body counts (as the Americans like to do) in just an 18-month period between 1940-1941 – the Nazi German Luftwaffe inflicted 70,000 deaths on the population of the UK – 40,000 being in London alone! This was at a time when many Americans held pro-German views and were not that keen on coming on the side of the UK!

Contextualising ‘On the Jewish Question’ By Karl Marx! (2.7.2023) 

Questioning the mythology of religion is an important and vital aspect of ‘freedom of thought’ and does not constitute an ‘attack’ upon religiosity. Questioning the legitimacy of religious belief is an important component of a liberal society as it prevents religious groupings from ‘justifying’ criminal acts based solely upon the idea that an ‘immunity’ from prosecution is in effect premised upon the mere holding of a ‘religious’ belief! A ‘religious’ and ‘irreligious’ individual, (living within a Bourgeois State), should be held liable for their actions in front of exactly the same Secular Law. To this end, this is a text rich in insight written by a young Karl Marx just out of University and on the brink of marrying Jenny Westphalia. Perhaps there is something of the love and light euphoria of those times – which emanates from the pen of Marx!

Grooming for Valhalla – Online Celebrity Hitlerites Explained! (20.6.2023)

It is obvious that far from ‘protecting’ the White race, Hitler was one of the greatest murderers of that White race! Unlike the pseudo-mass murders said to have been committed by Stalin or Mao (no material evidence exists for these fables) – Hitler’s outrages are materially true, definable and quantifiable! Those who follow Hitler today attempt to ‘hide’ the true extent of the bloody nature of his regime by inventing non-existent massacres for Hitler to hide behind or attempt to ‘remove’ Hitler’s mania for death from the record books. Furthermore, US academia has established that the US military has killed (conservative number) between 20 – 30 million people around the world (between 1945 and present) in support and protection of its capitalist system! Admittedly, the hideous nature of this US figure does lean toward the wiping-out of the oppressed non-White races who resort to Socialism in the face of capitalist oppression!  

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