Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

Russia: US Provided Assistance to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Before “Ban” was Lifted! (23.6.2024)

The idea of this formation (and other Neo-Nazi Units) was to ideologically spear-head a NATO (military) thrust into East Ukraine and West Russia. The Militias of the People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk held-off the Western-backed military attack on the ethnic Russian enclave of Donbass – until the Russian Army came to their aid during early 2022. Russia is still fighting Hitlerism on our behalf and we – the working class – must remain grateful for this new sacrifice! As usual the US is lying. It may be that “officially” America started openly supporting the Azov Hitlerites during 2022 – but the support originates further back in time before that date. I know that ethnic Ukrainians were participating in military training on Salisbury Plain routinely between 2014-2022 and beyond. Around 8 million Ukrainians have spread throughout Western Europe and I believe this has led to a general lurch to the political far-right in elections.

English-Speaking Speaking AFU!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: English-Speaking Volunteers! (30.5.2024)

Where are they from? The French Foreign Legion are active in Neo-Nazi Ukraine – I know – I’ve seen their dead-bodies strewn all over the battlefield! The modern Russian Army is taking no prisoners and is on a mission of completely destroying the Neo-Nazi Forces sent to terrorise their country and their people by the West! The West is now equated with Nazi Germany and this conflict is seen as a fight to the death! The stupid Americans have underestimated the Russians – and it will cost them dearly! The UK has sent Special Forces to assist the Neo-Nazi “Maidan” Junta – film footage has shown these men after capture – held in handcuffs and leg-shackles. Not so “Special” after-all as they beg for their lives claiming they did not understand what the Ukrainian regime truly represents.

US-backed Neo-Nazi Ukraine

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Azov Founder “Coming Out” on Video! (20.4.2024)

This is all very odd, as the Glorious Russian Army has inflicted at least 500,000 casualties (killed and wounded) on the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Forces – armed by the West as assisted by mercenaries from around the world – including Zionist Israel! I think Mr Biletsky is a “Closet Gay” who (like most of the “Troops” under his Command) – would like to “come-out” – but are too afraid of being shot by a beautiful Russian Sniper!

In any event, we are left with this, “Western men – they have too small balls – and they run around chasing each other in their underwear!” Of course, many assume he’s just letting-off steam – talking shit about the very same NATO twinks that idolize him – and drool over drone videos! Like much else from the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Front – there is much homosexual frustration about it all!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Hitler Tattooed Military Escort – Known as “Nika Gorbenko” (Ника Горбенко) – Active in Donbass! (8.12.2023)

Since then, every month Chikunova-Samigulina has added a new tattoo to her body. She began regularly posting “Selfies” with weapons and from the war zone. Her religious mother supports her in everything, saying, “I’m proud of you.” The family’s economic situation had deteriorated sharply – until Chikunova-Samigulina joined the Neo-Nazis – then the family suddenly became very wealthy. This is especially evident with her younger sister, Ulyana (Ульяне). She began to dress well and travel abroad. It is not surprising that Ulyana looks at her older sister as an idol. She copies her in everything. She also likes to pose with weapons and wear Neo-Nazi symbols.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: “White Supremacist” ‘Fadenko Oleg Vitalyevich’ (Олег Фаденко) Eradicated By Russian Forces! (17.8.2023)

The fight did NOT last long – and this just goes to show the limitations of ‘pretend’ martial arts practiced in a modern Boxing Ring during peace time – whilst the headguard-wearing participants use a rubber knife and make use of ‘false’ head-masks! From what I gather, these young men are from various groups of ‘Hitler Youth’ recruited from the different regions of Maidan Ukraine. The sponsor of this competition is the Scandinavian Neo-Nazi group ‘Nord S⊥orm’ – which distinguishes itself by using an upside-down ‘⊥’ in its name! Despite all this obvious evidence of what the Maidan Junta has been doing in Ukraine since Obama put it in power – the Western media looks the other way.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Azov Volunteer – “Andrei Bogdan” – Found “Guilty” of War Crimes! (15.8.2023)

Bogdan then took the wounded DPR POW behind the petrol station building and shot him to death. The Court, taking into account the position of the Public Prosecutor, found the Serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “GUILTY” – sentencing this War Criminal to 25 years “Hard Labour” in prison – a sentence to be served within the strict regime of a Correctional Colony.

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