US Oppression Racialising PRC Citizens!

Chinese STEM Students Harassed by Racist US Border Officials! (24.6.2024)

“Chinese students should assess the risk with great caution and think twice before going to the U.S. to study,” the source added.

Su Xiaohui, deputy director of the Department of American Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, said that Washington is sparing no effort to fan competition among major countries and secure its hegemony, and such harassment aims to disrupt and frustrate regular exchanges between the two countries on education, science and technology.

Behind such harassment is the fact that some anti-China forces in the U.S. have constantly hyped the so-called “China threat”, and this kind of harassment “serves to build on their anti-China narrative and China-threat narrative”, Su said.

“Fundamentally, this is an issue of perception,” she said. “When Washington views China as a rival and a threat, it seeks to undermine China in a relentless way.”

Yemeni Missiles Survive Airstrikes!

Yemen: NEW Missile-Attacks Launched Against Pro-Israeli Shipping! (14.6.2024)

Since last November, the Houthi group, which controls much of northern Yemen, has initiated the launch of anti-ship ballistic missiles and drones targeting what it said were Israeli-linked ships transiting the Red Sea, to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In response, the U.S.-British naval coalition stationed in the area has since January conducted air raids and missile strikes against Houthi targets to deter the group, which, however, only led to an expansion of Houthi attacks to include U.S. and British commercial vessels and naval ships.

British Colony Sold Its NHS Hospitals to US Greed!

Malta: Leaders Arrested & Charged by the People for Selling Island’s State Owned Hospitals to US Private Health Company! (29.5.2024)

Muscat is facing a raft of charges. His former chief of staff Keith Schembri, and former health minister Konrad Mizzi were also in the dock.

All defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them.

The charges were issued following the conclusion of a magisterial inquiry into a deal signed by Muscat’s government to hand the running of three public hospitals to a private company Vitals Global Healthcare in 2015.

PFLP - Hamas - Freedom Fighters!

Palestine: ICC Has No Right To Label Hamas As War Criminals! (23.5.2024)

All the Generals guiding war, the Zionist soldiers of slaughter, of burning, of killing and endless destruction – this evil army of a rogue racist entity – that flouts all International Conventions with its frenzied war must not escape punishment!

Abdel-Al called on the International Court not to pay attention to external pressure – and for the Court to continue pursuing Zionist War Criminals.

Abdel-Al concluded: “Justice does not mean equality between the Occupier and those under Occupation, lest it become an encouragement for the Occupation to continue its war of genocide and extermination against the Palestinian people.”

Israeli War Crimes!

ICC Seeks to Issue Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu and Gallant for War Crimes! (20.5.2024)

Khan also highlighted the issue of  closing the water lines connecting Israel to Gaza – the main source of drinking water for the citizens of Gaza – for an extended period, starting on October 9, 2023, and interrupting and obstructing the electricity supply from at least October 8, 2023 until today.

The Office of the Prosecutor confirmed that these actions were part of a joint plan to deliberately starve civilians as a means of war and resort to other acts of violence against civilians in Gaza.

He stressed that the use of starvation as a method of war, along with other attacks and collective punishment applied to civilians in Gaza, led to severe, clear and well-known repercussions.

He pointed out that this method of warfare led to problems of malnutrition, dehydration, painful suffering, and an increasing number of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including new-borns, children and women.

Zionist Genocide in Rafah!

Rafah: Egypt Confirms Israeii-Initiated “Genocide”! (15.5.2024)

Shoukry stressed that the Israeli control over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, Israeli military operations in the vicinity of the crossing, and exposure of the lives of relief workers and truck drivers to imminent dangers are the main reasons for the inability to bring in aid from the crossing.

He also denounced the desperate attempts of the Israeli side to hold Egypt responsible for the unprecedented humanitarian crisis facing the Gaza Strip, affirming that it is a direct result of the indiscriminate Israeli attacks against the Palestinians for more than seven months which so far resulted in the killing of more than 35,000 citizens, mostly women and children.

He demanded Israel assume its legal responsibilities as the occupying power, by allowing aid to enter through the land ports under its control.

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