Russia Defeats Collective Neo-Nazi West!

DPRK: Defeated Neo-Nazi Ukraine Hypocritically Demands Face-Saving “Peace” Sumnit! (15.6.2024)

The U.S. and the West are now resorting to the formation of an international anti-Russia confrontation front together with military support to the Zelenskiy puppet clique in a bid to turn the Ukrainian war situation at any cost. But this is a self-destruction act of pricking their own eyes with their own hands and, moreover, it will only be a way far from “peace”.

If the U.S. and the West continue such farce, the world will only watch the ruined shaman’s rites.

If they truly want the solution of the Ukrainian crisis and global peace, it would be a beneficial and right behavior for them to make both sides sit at the negotiating table fairly with sincerity, not deception and hypocrisy.

USSR: Grover Furr Debunks the Lies of Robert Conquest and the Anti-Stalin Paradigm! (8.2.2024)

The available source texts from time portray and reveal this reality. There is no talk of pogroms, gulags, oppressions and purges – although it is true that the US took the side of Trotsky. How odd it is then, to bear witness to a deluge of post-1945 texts which serve to construct an alternative history that would have the unsuspecting reader to believe that whilst Roosevelt was chatting with Stalin and Harpo was making Soviet Generals ‘laugh’ – that most of the population of the USSR lived in Prison Camps and that Stalin was personally involved in a famine he had deliberately caused in (Catholic) West Ukraine! Interestingly, the US Philosopher – Will Durant – who could not read, write or speak Russian, visited the USSR in 1933 (the year of Roosevelt’s Diplomatic Mission) – and claimed a Russian peasant woman stated to him that life was terrible. When asked to produce this woman, he could not – and neither could he explain how he understood or communicated with this woman. Durant appears to be a foreshadowing of the disinformation that was to come out of the US – post-1945.

Protests Against NATO Held Across Sweden! (23.4.2023)

Sweden dropped its decades-long policies of military non-alignment and applied to join NATO last May, when a poll showed that opinion had shifted to a majority of Swedes, about 53 percent, being pro-NATO. And a poll conducted by Statistics Sweden last November showed that 67.8 percent Swedes were quite or very positive about NATO.

However, many Swedes are still concerned about the negative consequences of their country being a member of the military alliance. Partly because Russia had made it clear that “there can be no more talk of any nuclear-free status for the Baltics” should Sweden, and Finland, join NATO.

On March, 22, the Swedish parliament, Riksdagen, voted in favour of the country to join NATO, but so far, NATO members Hungary and Türkiye have yet to give a green light to Sweden’s accession.

Holm said that although Sweden will likely become a NATO member, the campaign against Sweden being a member will not stop.

“We will continue to fight against it and when Sweden becomes a (NATO) member state, we will strive for secession,” Holm said.

Paris: Demonstrators Call for France to WITHDRAW from NATO! (20.3.2023)

An independent Lebanese geopolitical commentator Sarah Abdallah asked on her social media: “why is Western media ignoring the anti-NATO protests happening today in Paris, France?”

This is the second march organized in 2023 in Paris demanding France to withdraw from NATO, according to a report published by the website Solidarity and Progress.

According to the website, nearly 1,000 people demonstrated on Feb. 26 for the dissolution of NATO.