Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

Russia: US Provided Assistance to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Before “Ban” was Lifted! (23.6.2024)

The idea of this formation (and other Neo-Nazi Units) was to ideologically spear-head a NATO (military) thrust into East Ukraine and West Russia. The Militias of the People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk held-off the Western-backed military attack on the ethnic Russian enclave of Donbass – until the Russian Army came to their aid during early 2022. Russia is still fighting Hitlerism on our behalf and we – the working class – must remain grateful for this new sacrifice! As usual the US is lying. It may be that “officially” America started openly supporting the Azov Hitlerites during 2022 – but the support originates further back in time before that date. I know that ethnic Ukrainians were participating in military training on Salisbury Plain routinely between 2014-2022 and beyond. Around 8 million Ukrainians have spread throughout Western Europe and I believe this has led to a general lurch to the political far-right in elections.

Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Trench Full of Dispirited Troops!

Donbass: Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Troops “Surrender” to a Single Russian Soldier! (20.6.2024)

I have seen hundreds of combat-footage videos. The US government diverts this media onto right-wing and far-right “shock” videos – disinforming as this process unfolds. Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) shoulder badges – that identify the Neo-Nazi Unit and national origin – are blurred-out so that the racist audience can be told that the images represent “Russians”. Therefore, piles and piles of broken and dead Ukrainian troops (killed attacking Russian positions) are falsely presented as being “Russian” – and proof of the assertion that Neo-Nazi Ukraine (and therefore “NATO”) are “winning” when in fact the exact opposite are true. I know this because I have received the same “uncut” images – from non-US sources – where the shoulder-badges are NOT deliberately obscured.

Lugansk People's Republic!

The Western Crimes Committed Against Modern Russia! (24.5.2024)

The race-hate and anti-intellectualism aimed at modern Russia is far more intense than that vitriol and lies the US aimed at the USSR (effectively an attack on the International Working Class) – and is far-more aggressive than the bitter-sweet admiration the West aimed at Nazi Germany prior to WWII! The US chose Neo-Nazism because it is the ideology that offends all right-thinking Russians the most. Whilst Western countries like Ireland, Spain, Norway, and numerous others choose to “Recognise” the State of Palestine – none of these Western countries have dared to break-ranks with the US and declared the current offensive against Russia as being one of the worst violations of Human Rights the world has ever seen! None of these Western countries have had the guts to “Recognise” the Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic or condemn the military atrocities carried-out by “Maidan” Ukraine!

Many Good Points - A Number of Bad!

Emails: Exposing the Catholic [Anti-Soviet] Ignorance of Abbot Andre Louf [1929-2010]! (19.5.2024)

This is despite the anti-Soviet nonsense he spouts on page 114 – a line of Vatican propaganda that sullies a man who tolerates a qualified “atheism” in his monastery! Of course, this type of anti-Stalin invention can be dismissed by studying the Collective Works of Stalin (Stalin trained in the Seminary before becoming a Revolutionary) and the historical (academic) work of EH Carr, Alexander Werth and Grover Furr, etc. EH Carr does mention that following the Bolshevik Revolution, monks and priest were not allowed to vote in elections until after 1922 (the founding of the USSR) – but prior to 1917 – no one (ecclesiastical or lay) was allowed to vote for any reason outside the closed circle surrounding the Czar – and the oppressive feudal system he administered. Just as Catholic monks live under the “Dictatorship” of God, the Pope and their Abbot – monks and priests in the USSR possessed absolutely no rights prior to 1917! Andre Louf, as a professed Catholic monk, was NOT permitted by the Catholic Church to vote in any election. When the reality of his position is fully understood – then the magnitude of his ignorance becomes fully revealed. Even monastic masters are inclined to “lie” – perhaps that is what their God requires.

David Cameron (War Monger) Zelensky (Neo-Nazi)

DPRK: Unelected [UK] Tories Driving Europe into a Disastrous War in Neo-Nazi Ukraine! (6.5.2024)

It is by no means fortuitous that the British foreign secretary flew to Washington before his trip to Kiev and put their heads together over the issue of expanding military support to Ukraine over a long time.

The Russian armed forces, which are now taking the firm initiative on the whole of the Ukrainian front while turning the U.S. and NATO’s weapons and equipment into a heap of burning scrap iron, express their firm will to make British military support have no effect on the performance of Special Military Operations and obliterate all British weapons.

Any military threat and blackmail of the U.S., Britain and other Western countries cannot damp the brave fighting spirit of the Russian army and people to firmly defend the sovereign right and security interests of the state.

US-backed Neo-Nazi Ukraine

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Azov Founder “Coming Out” on Video! (20.4.2024)

This is all very odd, as the Glorious Russian Army has inflicted at least 500,000 casualties (killed and wounded) on the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Forces – armed by the West as assisted by mercenaries from around the world – including Zionist Israel! I think Mr Biletsky is a “Closet Gay” who (like most of the “Troops” under his Command) – would like to “come-out” – but are too afraid of being shot by a beautiful Russian Sniper!

In any event, we are left with this, “Western men – they have too small balls – and they run around chasing each other in their underwear!” Of course, many assume he’s just letting-off steam – talking shit about the very same NATO twinks that idolize him – and drool over drone videos! Like much else from the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Front – there is much homosexual frustration about it all!

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