Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

Russia: US Provided Assistance to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Before “Ban” was Lifted! (23.6.2024)

The idea of this formation (and other Neo-Nazi Units) was to ideologically spear-head a NATO (military) thrust into East Ukraine and West Russia. The Militias of the People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk held-off the Western-backed military attack on the ethnic Russian enclave of Donbass – until the Russian Army came to their aid during early 2022. Russia is still fighting Hitlerism on our behalf and we – the working class – must remain grateful for this new sacrifice! As usual the US is lying. It may be that “officially” America started openly supporting the Azov Hitlerites during 2022 – but the support originates further back in time before that date. I know that ethnic Ukrainians were participating in military training on Salisbury Plain routinely between 2014-2022 and beyond. Around 8 million Ukrainians have spread throughout Western Europe and I believe this has led to a general lurch to the political far-right in elections.

Qilin Targets Synnovis!

Russia: Hackers Target Private Healthcare Company Profiting from British NHS! (22.6.2024)

In early June, the Hacker Group “Qilin” – carried-out a large-scale cyberattack a private healthcare company Synnovis – which provides laboratory services to several large hospitals in London. This led to serious disruptions in the work of several medical institutions.

The hackers recently unexpectedly announced that their actions were a politically motivated protest. In an anonymous correspondence with the BBC, the Group apologized for the inconvenience caused, but did not admit their guilt. According to the cybercriminals, the attack was carried out in retaliation against the British government for its actions in an “unspecified” military conflict.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

UEFA: Time to “Ban” Neo-Nazi Ukraine from International Football! (8.6.2024)

The Neo-Nazi Ukrainians are parachuted into impoverished locations – and unlike the local people – are seen to be given everything by the State. The local people are sat homeless on the side of the road whilst their relatives die of starvation, medical neglect and unemployment. This is how the bourgeoisie are exploiting the working class in Ukraine and in the West. We are spoon-fed antagonistic ideologies – and then give our lives defending this nonsense – as if such sacrifice is good for us! The Maidan (Catholic) regime must be uprooted and thrown-out of the Ukraine! The Ukrainian people must rediscover its Socialist roots and remember the days when the Nazi Germans murdered millions in their territory! Until that time, the Maidan must be punished just as Apartheid South Africa was prior to the 1990s. Neo-Nazi Ukraine should be “banned” from the UEFA Cup!

DPRK - Workers' Solidarity!

DPRK: “Reliable Working Class” – a Name of True Affection! (8.6.2024)

Appreciating the performance, the General Secretary said that every number was pulsating with the Party’s policy and full of love for the factory, adding that it showed the revolutionary character of the workers of the factory, determined to become standard-bearers and shock brigade in implementing the Party’s lines and policies, as well as the great ideological value and artistry.

He told officials that he was pleased to see the modernized factory, but he was more pleased to see the ideological and moral traits of its workers fully armed with the Juche idea. He said that their determination to share the destiny with the Party gave him strong courage and great strength. He added that he once again realized that he could cheerfully overcome any difficulties thanks to the reliable working class of the DPRK.

The word “reliable working class” reflected his ardent love and absolute trust in the heroic Korean workers who have performed miracles and feats, displaying their mental power with pure loyalty to the Party to single-mindedly trust and follow it only.

Galloway's Nazism

UK: Brand & Galloway “United” in National Socialism! (23.3.2024)

Both Russell Brand and George Galloway represent the political far-right. Both suffer from the same irony that each rose to prominence pretending to represent the left. It is not the ideology of the left that has changed – but rather the inner dynamics of both individuals. Galloway ignored the “Left Out of Europe” (Lexit) campaign – which clearly described the EU as being a post-1945 US-controlled and directed anti-Socialist entity. In this regard, Galloway followed the virtue signalling of the mainstream media which sought to falsely present the debate as being either that of supporting the status quo (assisting the destruction of Socialism by default) or voting for the far-right. Galloway sat with his fascist chum – Nigel Farage – and took part in anti-migrant rallies hosted by multimillionaires! Both Galloway and Brand reject the “Internationalism” of the left – conflating this with an enforced multiculturalism or cosmopolitanism – and instead shockingly resort to a type of blanket racism which they think is an alternative to the presence of “difference” within our communities.

Racist Ukrainians

Ukrainian Migrants Complain About “Too Many Black and Asians” Living in UK! (26.1.2024)

This legal framework has allowed for these two new Republics to request Russian military assistance in their self-defence war against NATO-controlled Ukraine. The US has created the preteens of Russia invading the Ukraine and has allowed millions of Ukrainians to swamp the West with their rabid, racist and entirely criminal ‘Neo-Nazi’ ideology. This is symptomatic of the damage predatory capitalism has inflicted upon the minds and bodies of Ukrainians since the collapse of the USSR in 1991! The USSR was a land which Paul Robeson described as ‘being free from racism’! He would weep in despair today!

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