Сборная России по футболу

Football: How FIFA & UEFA Support Neo-Nazism in Ukraine by “Banning” Russia from the 2024 UEFA Cup! (7.6.2024)

Of course, the 2024 UEFA Cup is being held in Germany – the true home of Nazism which committed one of the greatest crimes the world has ever seen. Indeed, it was the Soviet Red Army that fought and broke the back of the once mighty Hitlerite regime – and yet it is the Germans who are playing football in this year’s UEAFA CUP – and the Russians who are not. The United States has caused total chaos, poverty and hardship by the stupid and pointless sanctions it has placed against Russia – which have had no effect upon Russia – but has rather destroyed the stability of the European economy. All this the Americans do in support of the Neo-Nazi regime it has imported in the Ukraine – the once proud spear-head of the Soviet Red Army – and the area within which the Nazi Germans (and their allies) carried-out the greatest amount of destruction during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).