Alexander Werth (1942): The Anti-Religious Lies Told to the Romanian (Fascist) Soldiers! (2.10.2023)

The post discusses the evolution of Church and State separation, highlighting pivotal moments such as the execution of King Charles I, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. The text also underscores similar observations by Marx and Engels in their “Communist Manifesto.” It stresses that religion wasn’t banned but separated from secular politics, evolving into non-influential, private pursuits in contemporary society—like China, Cuba, the US, et cetera. It concludes by criticizing US misrepresentation of religious freedom under Socialism.

China Commemorates Anniversary of War Against Japanese Aggression [1931-1945]! (18.9.2023)

About 3 km from the museum lies the Beidaying (Northern Grand Barracks) site that the Japanese troops bombarded. It officially reopened to visitors as an exhibition hall after renovations at the end of 2021.

Through more than 400 historical photos, over 200 relics, electronic maps, scene restorations, panoramic sand tables and other modern techniques, visitors can revisit the history at the exhibition hall.

Wang Lei, a resident of Shenyang, who lives near the former site of the Beidaying Site, said, “There were a few ordinary bungalows here, but now the site has been turned into an exhibition hall. It is very important to remember the history of the war. We should let young people know that this is the place where our national calamity occurred.”

China: Ministry of State Security (MSS) Detects CIA Penetration of Mainland! (22.8.2023)

Li Jun revealed to Hao that he was a member of the CIA’s Tokyo station. He hoped Hao to join him and asked Hao to work in a core department of China after returning to China. Hao agreed and signed an espionage agreement with the U.S. side and accepted the assessment and training from the U.S.

After returning to China, Hao managed to work in a nation-level department and continued to meet secretly with CIA personnel many times in China, providing a large amount of China’s confidential information to the U.S. and collecting espionage funds from the CIA.

China: Ministry of State Security Unveils WeChat Channel to Report US Espionage Activities! (3.8.2023)

Regarding individuals who are coerced or deceived into engaging in espionage activities abroad, the Counter-Espionage Law has explicitly outlined measures for education and rescue. It stipulates that “those who are coerced or deceived into joining espionage organizations or hostile organizations abroad, and engage in activities harmful to the national security of the country, can avoid prosecution if they promptly report the true situation to the diplomatic missions of China abroad, or directly or through their units to the national security authorities upon entry back in China, and demonstrate remorse.”

Cuba is the Victim of US Terrorism! (26.7.2023)

Of course, in Korea and Vietnam the US suffered severe military set-backs – but successfully regrouped to rhetorically ‘destroy’ Kampuchea – fabricating a ‘Holocaust’ type scenario (this was achieved through the post-1975 Vietnamese Communist Party turning against China – and after invading Kampuchea – gathering up the bones from the tens of thousands civilians killed in the illegal blanket-bombing the US carried-out in the region and falsely presenting these human remains as being ‘victims’ of Polpot). Following the UK’s destruction of the Chinese Communist Insurgency in Malaya during the 1950s – the ‘White’ agenda is clear – stop Chinese Communism from spreading beyond its national borders! Since the collapse of the USSR – Cuba has moved ever closer to China out of necessity. The Human Rights of Cubans do not count for the Americans! It is the same for the non-White population of the world in general! To beat terrorism requires the destruction of ‘terrorist’ America and the fascist ‘White’ Junta that runs it!

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