US & ROK Spy Planes Violate DPRK Air Space!

DPRK: US & ROK Spy Planes Violate North Korean Air Space!! (4.6.2024)

Crystal clear is the meaning of such intensified preparatory spying on the core facilities and sites in the DPRK.

The situation obviously indicates that to bolster up the muscle for self-defence to thoroughly aim at, deter and frustrate the reckless manoeuvres of the U.S. and its vassal forces is a top priority task to be fulfilled with accelerated efforts, indispensable for safeguarding the national sovereignty, security and interests.

The Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK has already clarified the stand that it would take action immediately in case national sovereignty, security and interests are exposed to violation.

The U.S. and other hostile forces are bound to meet unforeseen disaster for their bluffing and reckless espionage.

DPRK Drops Rubbish Over ROK Border!

DPRK: ROK “Trash” Counter-Measures Suspended! (4.6.2024)

From the night of May 28th to the dawn of June 2nd, 2024 we scattered 15 tons of wastepaper – the favourite toy of the human scum that live over the border areas of the ROK – and its capital region – with more than 3,500 balloons of various sorts.

We made the ROK clans experience how unpleasant it feels when they dump rubbish over our borders – and how much effort is needed to remove the scattered wastepaper.

We are going to halt wastepaper scattering over the border temporarily – as our action was a countermeasure in response to the poor behaviour of the ROK.

If the ROK clans resume their anti-DPRK leaflet scattering – we will correspond to it by intensively scattering wastepaper and rubbish – a hundred times the amount of scattered leaflets, as we have already warned.

ormer Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad

Former Malaysian PM Blames Aggressive U.S. Leadership for Escalating Conflicts! (3.6.2024)

The senior statesman also criticized Western powers amid growing global tensions, especially since the onset of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict last October, the report said.

“A lot of injustices are committed, but the U.S. and Europe view these injustices as issues that don’t concern them. They don’t try to stop Israel from committing all kinds of crimes,” he said.

Noting that the U.S. is the world’s biggest arms trader and continually produces new weapons, Mahathir claimed it is in Americans’ interest to see wars fought elsewhere, Nikkei Asia said.

“There is this belief in the West that to have peace, prepare for war, but that is wrong. Preparing for war ensures war because to make money from selling weapons, people must fight,” he said.

Shine a Light on Me!

The Hermetica and Human Imagination! (3.6.2024)

In the Egyptian Hermetica, for instance, the god Toth (often through the commentary of Hermes) equates thinking about distant places (by imagining different physical environs in the mind) was exactly the same in principle as the individual travelling to these destinations – despite nothing physically taking place. Imagining structures in the mind, for Toth, was tantamount to creating something from nothing (every creationist story), and achieving movement without going anywhere. All theistic and psychedelic traditions make ample use of the ability to “imagine” – whilst the argument continues to as the proper relationship of the imagination to the physical world.

China's Socialist Science Leads the World!

China Focus: Foreign Scientists Thank China for Sharing Lunar Exploration Opportunity! (3.6.2024)

The lander of the Chang’e-6 spacecraft also carried an instrument, called Negative Ions on the Lunar Surface (NILS), developed by the ESA/Sweden to the moon, which will be used to detect negative ions and study the interaction between plasma and the lunar surface.

Neil Melville-Kenney, NILS technical officer of the ESA, said the CNSA’s initiative to invite international partners to participate in the Chang’e-6 mission is very much appreciated by the international community.

“It’s a very impressive mission, a very ambitious mission. So we are very pleased to be a part of it. And the collaboration has gone very smoothly. Now we are waiting for the payload to be turned on so that we can get our first data,” he said.

“It’s very important to have international cooperation for space exploration. I think space exploration encourages us to consider our planet as one and our people as one. And it’s important that we work together as we start to explore the solar system more and more. Together we can achieve greater things,” he added.

Socialism NOT Nationalism!

On How the Bourgeoisie Weaponises Immigration! (2.6.2024)

Such groups are traitors seeking to materially enrich themselves with promises of free houses, cars, school-places, money, and jobs – all elements of British society now denied to British citizens born or naturalised in the UK. Whereas the right will always oppose immigration regardless of its origin – the left must be very careful In its distinguishing of the issue at hand so that the matter can be dialectically rectified. Many ethnic Chinese people living in the Britain reject the Tory policy of resettling thousands of Hong Kong rioters in the UK – but this voice is ignored as being part of the general bourgeois policy of demonising ALL Chinese opinion accept those which supports the US! Simply accepting ALL immigration on the grounds that it might be “racist” to criticise it in anyway ignores the bourgeois-generated problem that exists. Opposing fascism disguised as migration – is an attack upon fascism – and should not be used as an excuse for an attack upon the principle of migrants or migration itself.

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