Do Not Labour - Starmtroopers Will Get You!

Do NOT Vote Labour – or “Starm-Troopers” Will Soon Be Knocking on Your Door! (5.6.2024)

Even under Corbyn it would have represented a more honest left-leaning Trotskyite tendency. It would be prudent to vote “Independent” wherever possible. Remember the Tories and LibDems have murdered well in excess of 120,000 Disabled people in the UK (confirmed by the UN in 2016). No one has been held responsible for this – and Ian Duncan-Smith is still roaming free to spend £60 on a single breakfast! The working class is starving and suffering throughout the UK! Register to vote – and then vote far-left or as left as possible! Do NOT vote Labour, do NOT assist the Labour Party! Do not help any far-left entities that still follow the deluded path of supporting a hollow shell of a Labour Party! Do NOT betray the workers – but seek out subtle ways to assist the general drive to Revolution!

Latest BJP Plan to Attack China!

India: Fascist Bharatiya Janata Party Set for New Term of Office! (5.6.2024)

In his 10 years in power, Modi has transformed India’s political landscape, bringing Hindu nationalism, once a fringe ideology in the country, into the mainstream while leaving the nation deeply divided.

His supporters see him as a self-made, strong leader who has improved India’s standing in the world. His critics and opponents say his Hindu-first politics have bred intolerance, while the Indian economy — the world’s fifth-largest and one of the fastest-growing — has become more unequal, The Associated Press reported.

In his third term, the Modi-led government might shift its focus to domestic issues, prioritizing public welfare and fair distribution of growth benefits, and even adopting a softer stance on Hindu nationalism, according to analysts.

Kim Jung Un Observes Socialist Science!

DPRK: Kim Jong Un Oversees Mass-Firing of 600mm Rocket-Launchers! (4.6.2024)

The regime of gangsters and the Puppet Army of the ROK – infringed upon the sovereignty of the DPRK through an intolerably hideous act of provocation. This involved a clumsy show of dangerous military power – which exceeded its legitimate right for sovereign action. In this regard, the (extensive) Multiple Rocket Launcher (Sub-Units) of the DPRK conducted a powerful counter-demonstration firing – aimed at the ROK in order to clearly show the DPRK’s corresponding will to ensure the sovereignty and security of the State. The DPRK will respond everytime with a massive and powerful force that will overwhelm. This is the DPRK way of pursuing a self-defence war – which involves even a pre-emptive attack at any time if the enemies attempt to use military force against the DPRK.

Vladimir Mayakovsky - Beautiful Soviet Poet!

US: Council of Geeks – Dialectically Interesting! (4.6.2024)

As a Communist Futurist (very much in the mould of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky) – I view the development of endlessly progressing surgery performed upon the human body – to be of the maximum importance. Why? It is self-evident. Whilst alive we inhabit a body which has the capacity to be injured, to get ill and develop all kinds of terrible and awful maladies. In the end – we all die – and in death we are equal. Surely, if we understand that this biological machine has a tendency to become damaged – is it not incumbent upon each and every one of us to progress human thought in the direct of rebuilding, reconstructing and repairing the human body? That is – to fully penetrate the mysteries of the human body cells – and work-out how it operates and how these evolutionary processes can be reversed engineered and perhaps even improved upon.

China's Socialist Technology Triumphs!

Socialist China: Humanity’s First Photographs of Moon’s Dark-Side! (4.6.2024)

Apollo 11, for instance, possessed a computer similar to that which operates most ordinary washing machines (the washing machine is believed to have positively altered human society to a far greater extent than the internet). The internet started as a US attempt to use telephone technology as a “spying” device in every room of the world. The idea was to develop a unifying computer technology which linked all telephones together so that they become, whether in use or not as an analogue communication device, a transmitter of all noise operating around or within the local vacinity (a function unknown to the owner) – broadcasting all this data to a Central Listening Headquarters in the US. A similar situation exists today – with all your emails, posts and other written sources of data uploaded onto the internet. All is observed, recorded and filed away by your National Governments – which report to the US.

Samples from Dark-Side Returns!

China: Spacecraft Returns with first Samples from Lunar Far-Side! (4.6.2024)

The control system of Chang’e-6 has also been enhanced to improve its autonomy, enabling it to complete lunar take-off and ascent with reduced reliance on the Queqiao-2 relay satellite and ground support, said Huang Hao, another space expert from the CASC.

The ascender is expected to carry out unmanned rendezvous and docking with the orbiter-returner combination in lunar orbit, and the samples will be transferred to the returner.

The orbiter-returner combination will orbit the moon, awaiting the optimal time to transfer back to Earth. When it approaches Earth, the returner carrying the lunar samples will re-enter the atmosphere, aiming for a touchdown at Siziwang Banner in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the CNSA said.

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