Trump's Anti-Vaxxer Campaign!

China: Exposing Trump’s “Anti-Vaxxer” Disinformation Campaign in the Philippines! (21.6.2024)

The U.S. government is the biggest propagator of disinformation, said U.S. Republican Senator Rand Paul.

America’s dirty moves come at a cost for the Philippines. Vaccination is of great importance to the health of millions of Filipinos and Reuters reported that the difficulty in vaccinating the population contributed to the worst death rate in the region.

For the sake of its selfish gains, Washington never hesitates to sacrifice an ally. As British American historian Bernard Lewis pointed out in his book “Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian,” the real problem with having the Americans as allies is you never know when they will turn around and stab you in the back.

Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Trench Full of Dispirited Troops!

Donbass: Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Troops “Surrender” to a Single Russian Soldier! (20.6.2024)

I have seen hundreds of combat-footage videos. The US government diverts this media onto right-wing and far-right “shock” videos – disinforming as this process unfolds. Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) shoulder badges – that identify the Neo-Nazi Unit and national origin – are blurred-out so that the racist audience can be told that the images represent “Russians”. Therefore, piles and piles of broken and dead Ukrainian troops (killed attacking Russian positions) are falsely presented as being “Russian” – and proof of the assertion that Neo-Nazi Ukraine (and therefore “NATO”) are “winning” when in fact the exact opposite are true. I know this because I have received the same “uncut” images – from non-US sources – where the shoulder-badges are NOT deliberately obscured.

Russia & DPRK Unite Against Western-Backed Fascism!

DPRK: President Putin Begins State Visit to People’s Korea! (20.6.2024)

Putin’s visit to the DPRK at a remarkable time, when the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the DPRK and Russia have surely entered the course of new comprehensive development, is of great importance in reliably promoting the strategic and future-oriented development of the bilateral relations consolidated in the trials of history generation after generation and from one century to the next and powerfully propelling the cause of building powerful countries, a desire common to the peoples of the two countries.

Trump Prioritised the Rich During Covid-19!

China: US Anti-Vaccination Propaganda “Dangerous” to Humanity! (18.6.2024)

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a news conference in Beijing on Monday that such actions “only expose the hegemony and hypocrisy of the U.S.,” adding that the U.S. “should behave the way a major country should”.

“It has always been the practice of the U.S. to manipulate social media to spread false information, poison the public opinion environment, and smear the image of other countries. China firmly objects to this,” Lin said.

He added that when Washington wants to contain and suppress a country, it ignores the truth and “coordinates resources” to smear and discredit it. “This applies not only to the fabrication and dissemination of false information about Chinese vaccines, but also to various aspects, including defaming the popular Belt and Road Initiative and spreading rumours about the ‘overcapacity’ of China’s new energy vehicles.

“The international community should keep clear-eyed about such U.S. behaviour,” he said.

United Socialist States of Britain!

On What the Power of Your Bourgeois Vote is Really Worth! (17.6.2024)

The far-left as it stands is currently dead in the water and completely shut-out from any effective presence in the mainstream political dialogue. The so-called “Communist Party” is riddled with fatal ideological ruptures that has allowed various biased and highly partial special interest groups to masquerade as genuine representatives of the oppressed working class. Perhaps the greatest victory of the bourgeois class is the infiltration of the far-left with racist attitudes and ideology which drive wedges into the the Communist response of “Internationalism” as a viable alternative to multiculturalism. As matters stand, each of these “Communist” movements in the UK are administered by White working or middle class men – all pursuing their own various nefarious agendas – usually involving secret meetings with the far-right or the Trotskyite groups that plunge the knife into the backs of the workers at every opportunity.

All 56 Ethnicities in China Are "Equal" in Law!

China: Socialist “Internationalism” Triumphs! (17.6.2024)

In an article by Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, that was published in January in Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee, he said that forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to guide people of all ethnic groups to uphold the vision of a community with a shared future by standing together through thick and thin.

“Ethnicity is the concept in terms of language and culture, and the Chinese nation is the political entity that all Chinese people belong to, no matter which ethnic group they are from,” Pan said.

By enhanced extensive exchanges and interactions during the past 10 years, people from different ethnic groups in China have learned more about one another and become more united, which has brought stability and prosperity to the country, he added.

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