Zhong Ideogram - Arrow & Target!

Published Article: Qi Journal – “The Martial Implications of 中 [Zhong]” – Qi Journal – Summer 2024 Vol.34, N02! (31.5.2024)

Chinese culture is ancient and belongs to China and the Chinese people! It does not belong to “White” Americans who want to control and exploit the non-White minds and bodies of the Chinese people! Therefore, ALL legitimate expressions of Chinese culture must be traced to Mainland China – with Mainland China being acknowledged as the creative source of such traditions! Mimicking Chinese culture is akin to the Black and White Minstrels! Those who do this have no place in the genuine study of Chinese cultural modes of expression. Above, you will find one of my published articles provided FREE of charge to all readers with an interest of the subject! This is an American magazine, yes, but I keep a bridge-head open for genuine Chinese cultural expressions!

Communist Party of Lebanon!

Communist Party of Lebanon Calls for Expulsion of US Ambassador! (31.5.2024)

What the enemy is committing against the Palestinian people today is a crime against humanity, despite the decisions of the International Court and the International Criminal Court exposing these fascist crimes. The enemy’s persistence in its massacres would not have happened without the open support of the United States of America and some Atlantic countries! The latest chapter of this nightmare is the imposition of sanctions applied against the International Criminal Court, in an unprecedented move, accompanied by statements by American officials regarding the function of this court, which was established (according to the US) not to punish Zionist enemy for its war crimes – but rather to punish those popular forces which dare to strive for liberation whilst opposing the Zionist (fascist) hegemony!