English-Speaking Speaking AFU!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: English-Speaking Volunteers! (30.5.2024)

Where are they from? The French Foreign Legion are active in Neo-Nazi Ukraine – I know – I’ve seen their dead-bodies strewn all over the battlefield! The modern Russian Army is taking no prisoners and is on a mission of completely destroying the Neo-Nazi Forces sent to terrorise their country and their people by the West! The West is now equated with Nazi Germany and this conflict is seen as a fight to the death! The stupid Americans have underestimated the Russians – and it will cost them dearly! The UK has sent Special Forces to assist the Neo-Nazi “Maidan” Junta – film footage has shown these men after capture – held in handcuffs and leg-shackles. Not so “Special” after-all as they beg for their lives claiming they did not understand what the Ukrainian regime truly represents.

Mum, Dad & Charlotte Got this GIANT Chocolate Bar!

Calibration Hits “57” So It’s Time To Excuse My Little Self-Indulgence….! (30.5.2024)

My academic (and Ch’an) teacher – Richard Hunn (Upasaka Wen Shu) – lived into his 57th year and was struck-down by cancer far too early (passing in 2006)! I suspect I will last a few years yet – but we never can tell! Still, I rise early to perform my academic and spiritual duties. Although now married with children – I have permission to still wear the black-robe of the Caodong Ch’an School – and to carry the Dust-Whisk of Authority. Of course, the only authority I possess is over my own mind and body. Oh, and I love The Beatles!

Ornate Starway in the Museum!

Visiting St Albans Museum – Excellent Educational Experience! (30.5.2024)

St Albans Museum records the recent and the ancient history of the area – with the building itself being an important part of this record. I am including below a random but substantial number of photographs taken on the day – recording the many rooms, exhibits and important artefacts! On the day there was a very interesting Ladybird Exhibition – which interested Mei-An due to her advanced drawing ability! As usual, there was no data concerning Chinese migrants from the British Empire – but there was a very interesting exhibit regarding the Windrush Generation!

St Albans - St Germain's Block - 2024

St Albans: St Germain’s Block! (30.5.2024)

We walked to the Verulamium Museum through the “Verulamium Park” – from St Albans Abbey. This boundary wall was built using Roman materials – but not until the 11th century. It was part of St Germain’s Chapel – an element found within the grounds of St Albans Abbey. Today, around 30-feet of what is left of this wall forms an isolated structure situated in the middle of the park. This was part of the original Roman Fortifications (designed to keep the British Celts out) – which were abandoned during the early 5th century – with the ruins incorporated into the later buildings of St Albans Abbey. Indeed, there is little evidence of Christianity being present in Verulamium during Roman times.

Zionist Fascism Condemned!

President of Cuba: “Israel burned people alive” – During Attack on Palestinian Tents in Rafah! (30.5.2024)

“How many people must die for the genocide to stop?” he said, stressing that “Cuba condemns Israel and calls for strengthening solidarity with Palestine.”

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez condemned the Israeli attack on the tents of displaced people in Rafah.

“We condemn this attack, which violates international humanitarian law,” he said. “This brutal massacre of hundreds of refugees is one of the most prominent evidence of what Israel has committed against the Palestinian people.”

45 Palestinian civilians were killed and dozens injured, most of them women and children, in a bombing by Israeli occupation warplanes on displaced persons’ tents in Tal al-Sultan area, northwest of Rafah, even though it was among the areas that the Israeli army claimed were “safe and possible to move to.”

Rafah Atrocities Obscured by Insane Political Decisions!

Zionist Israel Declares UN Agency “Terrorist” Organisation! (30.5.2024)

The review committee, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, and commissioned by the United Nations with the participation of three research institutes, concluded that UNRWA follows a more advanced approach to neutrality than any other similar international or non-governmental body.

The report confirmed that it developed a framework for neutrality in 2017, while it has developed and updated a large number of policies, mechanisms and measures to ensure compliance with the principle of neutrality, respond promptly and appropriately to allegations or indicators of violations, and define and apply disciplinary sanctions on employees who are proven to have violated the principles of neutrality.

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