Museum Artefacts in St Albans!

St Albans: Verulamium Museum! (29.5.2024)

Of course, Roman rule was collapsing by the time (in the 4th century) that Christianity was becoming popular throughout the Roman Empire. Some wealthy Romans tolerated Christianity prior to this date (perhaps 3rd century) as being just one of many choices of belief from across their Empire – as the Roman Authorities were not yet exclusively “Christian”. This is why Celtic Christianity was probably from Egypt and premised upon the monasticism of the Desert Fathers – having little directly to do with Rome. The Catholic Church did not arrive as a State power in England until the Norman Conquest of 1066 (isolated Catholic Churches and monasteries had arrived in England prior to this date – but possessed no political influence or power with England’s Celtic Chiefs or Anglo-Saxon Kings). In just one-hundred years of its arrival in 1066 – this new and aggressive type of intolerant Christianity had wiped-out its Celtic cousin by the 12th century.

Gee & Me - St Albans Abbey - 2024

St Albans Abbey: Interior & Enclosures! (29.5.2024)

Abbot, Abbesses and other Head Monastics were offered a life-long pension from the Crown amounting to 1% of the annual income of the monastery being dissolved. As St Albans made around £1000 per year – the Abbot received a guaranteed £10 per year – a very substantial amount for the time. The idea was to purchase their compliance. Those who resisted were tried for Treason and publicly executed. Henry gave away monastic property to his favourites – or sold it at a cut-price to other interested parties. All the accumulated gold, silver, copper, led and bronze, as well as gemstones – were sold into the public domain and effectively laid the foundation for a modern capitalist economy. This freeing of monastic treasure into the public domain represented a massive injection of wealth into the English economy – stimulating buying, selling and market speculation. When the movable wealth ran-out – the brick-work and foundations of many monasteries were dismantled and used to reinforce Henry’s castles along the coast – or in the case of Merton Abbey – to build Nonsuch Palace in Surrey! Whereas the monks were opposed to greed and grasping – a new secular society emphasised the exact opposite to get on. Now, greed, lying and cheating guaranteed the personal accumulation of wealth that could purchase a place to live, schooling, food, travel and leisure, etc. Of course, supporting Henry often guaranteed social climbing. Modern capitalism was invented in England by Henry VIII.

US Human Rights Abuses 2023

China: Report on US Human Rights Abuses for 2023! (29.5.2024)

The humanitarian crisis along the border has escalated, causing heart-wrenching struggles of undocumented migrants. The U.S.-Mexico border is the world’s deadliest land migration route, according to the United Nations migration agency. At least 149 migrants perished in the El Paso border patrol region in the 12 months ending on Sep. 30, 2023. In the fiscal year 2023, the number of immigrants apprehended or deported at the U.S. southern border reached more than 2.4 million, another record high. Migrants are also subjected to torture and other forms of inhuman treatment. U.S. border policies facilitate modern slavery. The U.S. government’s border policies exacerbate the problem of human trafficking. Unaccompanied migrant children suffer from brutal forced labour and exploitation.

St Albans Abeey - Grounds

St Albans Abbey: Clock-Tower & Exterior Structure! (29.5.2024)

Ordinary peasants and aristocracy would get out of bed in the morning, work, eat, rest and go to bed at night according to the dictates of the Roman Catholic Church – the monasteries of which usually followed the Rule of St Benedict – or some similar Rule. Ordinary people did not have to learn how to tell the time – as the monastic orders told them what to do and when to d it. Following the “Dissolution” – secular society had to build their own clocks and learn to tell the time for themselves. This is how the measuring of “time” was rescued from the control of the Church. After 1539 – time no longer served God – but rather the lay-society that paid for and possessed the technical skills to construct the clocks! The policies of King Henry VIII – as mad as he may or may not have been (he had around 70,000 men and women hanged during his reign) – ushered the “modern” Britain that we now live within. I doubt, however, that Henry would have envisioned the end of absolute monarchy or the trivialising of the Church!

Buddhapadipa Temple - Wimbledon

Wimbledon: Buddhapadipa Temple & the Family of Geese! (29.5.2024)

It possesses a modest park with a small body of water, a mansion house and a temple complex. Indeed, we have visited here many times in the past. As with all such temples – it is free to enter – and no-one interferes with acts of private meditation. On occasion, the robed-clad monks (Bhikkhu-Beggar) might be seen walking through the grounds. As all animal cruelty is strictly forbidden, the local wildlife tends to behave in a much more relaxed and content manner – as if each animals perceives the “Dhamma” (Teaching) that is being practiced. Whatever the case, such an environment allows children to develop a caring attitude of respect for all animals – just one of the reasons we take our children to such places!

British Colony Sold Its NHS Hospitals to US Greed!

Malta: Leaders Arrested & Charged by the People for Selling Island’s State Owned Hospitals to US Private Health Company! (29.5.2024)

Muscat is facing a raft of charges. His former chief of staff Keith Schembri, and former health minister Konrad Mizzi were also in the dock.

All defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them.

The charges were issued following the conclusion of a magisterial inquiry into a deal signed by Muscat’s government to hand the running of three public hospitals to a private company Vitals Global Healthcare in 2015.